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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 19


It's after the Funeral. Nomeva and MaTembe are standing under a tree catching up and talking about izigigaba that just happened emangcwabeni when the family of the bride came to claim the body of their daughter saying umkhwenyana didn't finish paying lobola and he was abusing their daughter. The police and Induna had to intervene to calm the situation.

"How is Thando?" MaTembe asks testing the waters. The subject of Thando is the one that makes them fight all the time. But she cares about the child regardless of what her daughter did.

"You won't ask me about Thando, angithi namlahla" Nomeva says sitting down on the grass "uMahlathini doesn't learn, now he wants to go and marry a white woman" even saying it irks her.

"Aybo, I've heard about that" MaTembe says sitting down next to her.

"You heard it where?"

"I was at town yesterday, the woman who sell eRank were talking about it, they say she even bought him a car, umshini, awangisangitsheli"

"Ngikutshele ini? I don't know about any car" These are news to Nomeva. How can Mahlathini hide this from her?

"I'm happy for him bakithi" Nomeva snorts.

"Lowomlungu uyogcina ngokumthengela izimoto"

"What do you mean? Washuba nje aren't you happy for him?"

"Mahlathini deserves a Zulu woman who knows amasiko, a woman who will bear him children and grow umuzi kaGijegije"

"Why are you making it look like umlungu is incapable of doing that?"

"She's not, what does she know about our culture? Mahlathini needs to go enyangeni because I can see uyagula"
MaTembe is laughing.

"Is this about her not knowing our culture or you're just hating her because she's white?" She doesn't answer instead she stands up. She won't sit here and listen to MaTembe and her nonsense. She failed to raise her daughter right, useGoli uhlehla namadoda while Thando is motherless here.

Mahlathini is not thinking straight, whatever is blinding him must be removed before he makes the worst decision of his life. Umlungu won't build him a home, he will turn into her Garden boy and do whatever she wants. That will never happen while she's still alive. Ngeke!



She walks out of the mall with heavy plastics, she has to put them down and catch her breath 'Haybo lomlungu' she says internally and claps once. She still can't believe it. She can't even call it luck, who just gives a stranger that kind of money? just like that?

"Let me help you with the plastics my sister" iphara says coming with a trolley,

"Ok, ngiyeRank" he nods and loads the plastics in the trolley. She takes out her phone and to call Donovan. Yes, she finally has a phone, a smart phone for the first time in her life.

The phone rings for a while, she's about to drop when he picks up. Now she has to speak isingisi, ay.

"Good afternoon"

"Who is this?"

"Haw it's me, your nurse at the Shisanyama" there's brief silence.


"Yes! I thank you for the money"

"No problem, you saved my life" he's a very nice person, kade bemshayelani?
"If you don't mind I would like to take you and your son out for lunch"


"Yes, at a restaurant" she has never been at a restaurant before.

"Ok, I'm not work in Sunday"

"Cool, I'll see you then" after he drops the call she stands there looking at the phone.

Things have been going great for her lately. After 26 years of suffering, she finally has everything she needs, not everything but with the money she has she will. She has to start by getting an ID, she also wants to go back to school, if it's still possible.



Have you ever had your father catch you having sex? well, not really but almost.

I'm holding my chest trying to steady my fast beating heart, why didn't he tell me he was coming?

"Whose the girl playing with Brandon?" that's the first thing he will ask?

"Hi Dad" I close the bedroom door behind me. There's a Zulu man in there who was humping me a minute ago.

"You are sweating are you okay?" he places his hand on my forehead.

"I'm okay" he stares at me "I was doing a workout"

"In the bedroom? there's a gym down s-

"Dad I'm fine"

"Okay, now, whose the girl?"

"Her name is Thando, she's my friends daughter" God I'm so bad at lying.

"Ok, continue with your workout I'm in the living room" he says and walks away, I was holding my breath. Now how the hell am I going to get Jackson out of this house unseen?

I open the door and he's on me before I can even close it, he's still hard. He covers my mouth to contain my moans while he fûcks me against the door. I would like to apologize to my great grandfather for what this Zulu man is doing to me in his house.

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