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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 40


I'm almost done at the farm. I'm doing a final check of the harvest that is ready for supply. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my work.  Whenever I receive complaints I stress for days. So I try to prevent that from happening as much as possible.

Jackson and I are going out for dinner later  but I want to spend a little time with Brandon before I go. I haven't been sleeping at the farm house for almost two weeks now and I'm missing him so bad. I'm sure he probably thinks I've abandoned him. And I don't want him to ever feel like that. As soon as Jackson and I get a home of our own, I'm taking him with us.

When I get home I find him with the new security guard playing cards. I greet an the security guard excuses himself "You're back?" he asks looking at me in anticipation. I left him here all alone and that makes me feel so horrible. Yes the helpers stay here but still.

"No, I'm not back. I just came to check on you" he nods in disappointment.

"Once Jackson and I get a house. You will come stay with us. Right now I don't want to risk you getting an infection. You know you have to be in a controlled environment"

"I will stay with you permanently?" he asks his face lighting up. I smile.

"Yes, you will be a bigger brother to Thando and Miracle" he frowns.

"Whose Miracle?"

"You will meet him very soon, now come, let's go do our hygiene routine" he smiles lightly and follows me.

We spend a good 2 hours together. I leave him with the hope that I'll see him tomorrow.

I arrive to an empty house. Jackson must've went to pick up Thando from school. I decide to do some cleaning before I start getting ready for the dinner.

I'm half way through cleaning when I hear a knock on the door. I drop everything and make my way to the door. I'm greeted by an unfamiliar face "Hi" I greet her, for a moment she doesn't reply, she's just staring at me.

"I'm here to see Mahlathini" she finally says.

"And you're?"


"Ow" it's the runaway mother. She looks nothing like I expected. I thought she left Thando to chase dreams, she didn't catch them?

"Jackson left to pick your daughter up from school"

"I'm going to wait for him" she says folding her arms. I don't want to jump into conclusions and say she has an attitude.

"Come in" I say leaving the door open for her "What would you like to drink?"

"Juice, 100% or sparkling water"




She misjudged Mahlathini. Everything she assumed was wrong. He has changed, he's successful. He owns a famous Shisanyama KwaDukuza, taxis, he drives expensive cars. And he has a white Maid? things really change.

"Here is your juice" the maid says setting a trey in front of her, there are also cup cakes. Her stomachs grumbles. She hasn't had solid meal since she arrived KwaDukuza ...or a place to sleep. Her father chased her away as soon as she arrived. Her mother called her all sort of names insulting her in front of the neighbours who were watching, saying she will not feed children she has no knowledge of. She's been squatting at the tuck shop, Addis was kind enough to let her sleep at the store room. She had nowhere else to go.
She's here to apologise to Mahlathini and ask for a place to stay. She knows he's kind and will never let the mother of his child sleep in the streets.

"So what have you been doing in Johannesburg?" the maid asks while mopping the floor. She's very beautiful to be doing such work.

"I was studying" she lies with a straight face. Things didn't go according to her plans when she arrived in Johannesburg. This whole time she's been living emkhukhwini with a Zimbabwean man who is the father of her kids. He was working and feeding her and the kids. Until one night when the police arrested him for illegal mining. With him in jail. No one is going to feed her and the kids, she had to come back home.

"Really, so you've graduated, that's why you're back?" she nods.

"Oh, congratulations, what were you studying?"

"Medicine" the maid stops and looks at her.


Just then the door opens. Mahlathini walks in with a young girl in his arms, she's sleeping. Nobuhle smiles hiding the shame she's feeling.

"What are you doing here?" Mahlathini asks her with a frown? The maid walks over to him and takes the sleeping girl. They disappear to the bedrooms leaving er and Mahlathini starring at eachother.

"Sawubona" Nobuhle greets with a smile. She has to humble herself. He is her last hope. She knows she did him wrong but she also knows he loved her. They can find a way to fix things and be together again.


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