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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 50


"R10 ummbila, R10! R10!" Nobuhle is shouting on top of her lungs walking around the rank with a basin full of boiled corn. She prefers selling here because of the large crowd. The taxi drivers are her number one buyers "R10 Bo!" She continues shouting. The sun is out and hot but she has no choice. She has kids to feed.  She has to go back home with something at the end of the day.

Manyadza is also selling. He has his table of all kinds of snacks. When Nobuhle refused for them to go back to Johannesburg he decided to also settle here. The business is going though he had doubts. Nobuhle stays with her parents while he stays at a cottage. They only spend weekends together. He's working hard so he can pay lobola for her. He loves Nobuhle and he wants to do things right.

Nobuhle spots Mahlathini's car driving in. At first she runs to hide behind one of the taxis. She knows she owes him an apology for all the drama and the shît she said that day. She's trying to change her life and asking for forgiveness from people she has wronged should be at the top of her list.

She takes one deep breath. Mahlathini steps out of the car and goes around it to open the other door. Thando steps out. He lifts her up and they begin walking toward Nobuhle's direction.

"Baba Ka Thando!" Nobuhle calls. Mahlathini stops looking around. When he spots her his face changes. He's not happy "Sawubona" Nobuhle greets placing the basin down on the ground "Hello Thando" Thando greets back with a smile. She's a nice girl. Mahlathini raised her well.

"What can I do for you?" Nobuhle clears her throat.

"I want to apologize ...for everything, all that I did and said. You didn't deserve it. You helped me because you're a nice person. I was ungrateful and disrespectful. I'm sorry" Mahlathini stares at her for a brief moment.

"I hear you. I hope nothing like that will ever happen again"

"It will never happen. Mama allowed me to come back home. Now I'm here selling so I can make some cash and support my kids" Mahlathini smiles faintly.

"That's good. I wish you all the best ...how much is the corn?"

"Oh, it's R10" he looks at Thando.

"Do you want corn" Thando nods.

"Give us 3" Nobuhle quickly squats down and puts the three corns into a plastic. Mahlathini takes out a R200 note and hands it to her.

"Keep the change" he says with a small smile. Nobuhle is in disbelief.

"Haah! Ngiyabonga, Thank you so much"

"Enjoy the rest of your day" Mahlathini says before walking away. Nobuhle blinks back the tears in her eyes and continues selling.



I've always read about how first time mommys get so obsessed with their babies that they can't even spend a minute away from them, well, that's me. I can't be away from Miracle even for a second. If he's still sleeping I will watch him, check it he's still breathing, I don't even sleep in our bedroom anymore. Jackson's mom thought it would go away after a week but it's been 5 weeks, the obsession is growing.

I've just finished bathing. I'm getting dressed in front of the mirror. Jackson is still taking a shower. We're meeting with the wedding planner today. We haven't really decided on the date yet, but it has to be before Miracle's 1st birthday. Yep. Jackson is rushing to just finalise everything so we can settle down. I'm not complaining. There's nothing I want more than changing my tittle to Mrs and finally taking his surname.

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