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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 59


It's in the middles of the night. He's awake. He just had the most disturbing dream. It's a replay of that night at the farm house but this time he failed to protect Connie and the kids. They were shot right in front of his eyes. The deafening sound of the gunshots are still ringing in his ears. He doesn't even hear Connie calling him. He only snaps out of his thoughts when she touches him.

"I'm okay, go back to sleep" he says and pecks her lips before rolling out of the bed. He grabs his phone and walks out of the bedroom. He doesn't take dreams like this lightly. There's always a meaning behind them.

He dials Skebhe's number who picks up on the first ring. Does this man sleep?

"Jama" he answeres. There's noise of drums and people singing on the background. He must be initiating.

Mahlathini tells him about the dream he just had reciting all the details to him.

"Your dreams are always clear Jama, your uncerstors are sending out a warning to you. Do what is necessary to keep your family safe and do it soon" Mahlathini thanks the old man and drops the call.

Before going back to the bedroom he passes by the nursery to check on his boy. He's up and kicking. He usually cries when he wakes up.

He picks him and sits on the rocking chair. He starts feeding him but he's resisting. He checks his nappy, all is good.

He sits on the chair and lays him on his chest. He starts talking, pouring his thoughts out to him. Promising to protect him. How he can't wait for him to grow up and be a man. Mnqobi falls asleep to the sound of his father's voice.

He lays him down and walks back to the bedroom where Connie is waiting for him. As soon as he gets in bed, she's all over him. Jackson is smiling "Is the waiting period over?"

"Shut up and fûck me" she says against his lips while her hands pull him out of his boxers.

"You don't have to ask me twice Mama"



She couldn't tell Smiso where she is going. He still doesn't know anything about her past. And telling him she's going to her Psychiatrist was going to raise questions but hopefully after today's session she will gain enough strength to break everything to him. They've strengthened their bond. There's really nothing that can come between them now.

When she arrives at the hotel, it's just after 3pm. They could have met at a restaurant but Dr Nkosi said it was too noisy and distracting.
He takes his work every seriously.

The receptionist welcomes Nolifa with a smile. She gets the access card and makes her way to the elevator. When she steps out of the elevator Zimase is already waiting for her outside the room. It sure feels like they have not seen each other in years. He has let his beard grow, he looks older than he is.

"I was about to go and look for you" he says welcoming her with a hug.

"I got lost a few times"

"How do you get lost with GPS?"

"You can ask that again" she says and they both laugh. He leads her inside the hotel room  "This is nice, very fancy, exactly your taste" Dr Nkosi chuckles.

"You know me, quality or nothing" he opens the small bar fridge "What would you like to drink?"

"Juice please" she says sitting down on the chair. He already prepared juice, specially for her. There's something inside that will make her relax. He does this in all their sessions. When she's relaxed she allows her thoughts to wonder. She doesn't hold back anything.

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