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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 24


I can tell his mind is not here. We've just made love, usually we talk and catch up but he's quiet. I already know something is going on at home. What I don't understand is why he's not saying anything.

"How's Gogo?" I ask  finally breaking the silence.

"She's fine"

That's all he's gonna say?

"Is there something I should know?"


Now he's frustrating me because I know there's something going on, it's all obvious, if he thinks he's hiding it, he's doing a terrible job.

I sit up and grab my clothes.

We had to come to the farm office for some private time. There was nowhere else we could go. I think it's time we get ours own place. I see no reason to wait, we are both sure we want to spend the rest of our lives together. Starting a home now is not a bad idea.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by a strong pair of arms around my waist, his skin is soft and warm against mine. He plants soft kisses on my neck while his hands grab my tittiès, he stops when I wince "What's wrong?"

"My nipples ...they hurt" he turns me to face him. Like a doctor he examines me. I can't help but smile at how cute and serious he is with what he's doing. The only time my nipples hurt is when I'm ovulating, it might be that.

"How did your meeting with Dad go?" he looks at me. I was really surprised when we came back and found them still sitting together. They spent almost two hours in the balcony just smoking and chatting. When he finally released him, he allowed us to leave together with no questions.

"He promised to kill me and hang my testicles" I'm laughing. I knew he would be hard on him. He wasn't really happy when he found out I've been bringing a man into his house. I had to beg him to agree to meet him. I basically sent Jackson into a lion's den. And he defeated the lion, which makes me love him even more.

"What's left now is for me to meet Gogo" I say and he gives me a brief look before his eyes fall back on my tittîes "What's going on?" The excitement he had for me to meet his grandmother is gone, in just a few days "She doesn't want to meet me?"

"It's not that" he quickly says.

"Then what it is? I can see there's something going on, you've been off and disconnected lately" he takes a deep breath and sits back on the couch. He looks at me.

"I don't want to hide things from you but I also don't want to hurt your feelings" he takes my hand "Things are not going as I planned but I will fix them, I promise" I sigh and move to sit on his lap, he wraps his arms around me.

"I want to be yours, officially"

"I know, I do too. If I had the power I would marry you tomorrow" he says in a soft tone cupping my face "I'm going to fight for us, I need you to believe in me"

"I do" he smiles and kisses me. I have no doubt in him, I never have.

When we get back to the house. Thando is fast asleep "You'll fetch her in the morning" I tell him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, we'll be okay, don't worry" he kisses me.

"If she gives you a problem, call me" he says and engulfs me into a tight hug.

"I will" he kisses me one last time and off he goes.

I carry Thando to my bedroom where I tuck her into bed before returning downstairs. Brandon is in the living room playing chess with Patricia. I join them.



"Aw Gogo" she laughs rocking her head back. She's been laughing the whole drive and now they've arrived at the rank. Her day wasn't going so well and this old woman just made it better with her jokes.

"You're a very respectful young lady" Gogo says when they step out of the car, she smiles "Uzalwa ngumabani?"

Maybe she might be the one who rescues her from her failed mission. The main reason she came to KwaNongoma was to seek a wife for Mahlathini, what if this young woman is the one?

She's beautiful, young, respectful and successful. A type of woman Mahlathini needs in his life. Not some white woman who wants to turn her grandson into a slave. He's going to wash her underwears and clean the house. She can't let such happen.

"Ngiyabonga Gogo" she says pulling the bags out of the boot "Ngizalwa uMaXaba" she says with a warm smile.

Nomeva looks at her, "uMaXaba?" she nods. Could it be that this young woman is Sizakele's daughter? ... it can't be.

"I have 2 brothers after me, if you've been to KwaNongoma hospital you'd know Sizakele Xaba, she's a matron there"

A matron?

She has kids?

"Gogo, are you okay?" She quickly rushes to her.


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