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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 33


"Vanishing twin syndrome is a type of miscarriage that usually happens in the early weeks of pregnancy. One twin is lost and the other survives, normally without any problems for the surviving twin. We don't know what causes it, it's something that is still under study because of the rare cases. And there are generally no symptoms, though you may have miscarriage symptoms just like the ones you've experienced" He explains studying the screen closely while he moves the transducer around my abdomen, the heartbeat is loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. I'm crying. Nokwanda holds my hand tightly. For the first time this week I'm crying tears of happiness. As it sadness me that I've lost one of them, I won't on it, I'm going to be happy for the one I have. This is God's miracle and I won't take it for granted.

The doctor finishes and leaves. Everyone in the room is smiling. We have something to be happy for in this not so great day. I'm going to try and be strong.

"Let the Aunty go and get food" Nokwanda says excitedly and we all laugh. She walks out leaving me with her mom and Celiwe. These three women have kept me strong, I don't know how I was going to cope if they weren't here. I really don't.

Nokwanda comes back with a feast. I haven't had solid food in a while. My appetite is back so I eat as if my life depends on it.

In that same time the other doctor walks in. Whenever I see him my stomach turns. He always comes with nothing but bad news.

"Remove those sad looks on your faces. The surgery was a success..." relief washes over me, I feel like I can breathe fjr the first time "...we were able to remove the tumours. His breathing is getting better. The blood flow to his heart should increase in the next 16 hours, he'll be out of that bed very soon"

"Thank you doctor"

"Oh don't thank me, that man back there is a fighter. I still don't know how he survived that much blood loss..." he turns to Celiwe "...you saved your brother's life" she smiles.

"I can only wish he was my brother" the doctor frowns.

"What do you mean?"

"He's not my brother, he's my boss" the doctor looks at all of us then back at her.

"You have the same DNA, the blood you gave us had detectable DNA in it and when we were running tests your DNA and his matched. There's no way he's not your brother because he definitely can't be your son, there was over 60% DNA match in that blood"


"I don't understand" Celiwe says looking at me, I'm as confused. Jackson's mom is looking at me as well. Could Celiwe be the child Gogo was talking about?

The doctor leaves after dropping the bomb. The room is silent. After a while Celiwe starts crying. Nokwanda pulls her into an embrace. Tears fill my eyes. I can only imagine how she's feeling right now. She has lived all her life not knowing she has a brother, that's another kind of pain.



"I dont care, they'll have to bring us a double bed" Connie says climbing on his bed. He's laughing while holding his stomach. He still has fresh stitches from the surgery.

Connie snuggles comfortably next to him. She missed him so much. The feel and the warmth of his skin under her touch, his scent.

"Don't ever try to die on me again" he chuckles and kisses the crown of her head. He holds her tightly against him as of she'll slip away.

"I'm not going anywhere" he says in his raspy voice. Connie smiles. She hasn't told him about the pregnancy yet, she hasn't gotten the chance.

When he woke up this morning, everything turned into a big family reunion. Him being introduced to his long lost sister, meeting his brothers for the first time, Vusi and his gang too. It's been chaotic. She had to step back and let them have their chance with him. And now it's just the two of them, or should I say three?

"There's something I have to tell you" She says looking at him.

"Is it good or bad?" he says tucking her hair behind her ear.

"It's good" she says with a smile "Actually, good is an understatement" Jackson searches her eyes wondering what the good news could be. She takes his hand and places it on her abdomen hoping he's going to figure it out on his own. He doesn't, instead his hand wonders up to her tittîes "I'm pregnant" he stops and looks at her, her eyes are shining with happiness.

"I didn't hear that" he says his hand moving back to where Connie placed it. She can't help but laugh.

"You left someone in there" his smile grows.

"Are you serious?" she nods tears looming in her eyes, she's such an emotional mess but she can't help it. This is another kind of happiness, it's unexplainable.

"You're going to be a father, well, you  already are but-" he kisses her. He cups her face and deeps the kiss. Connie moans in pleasure. How she missed the warmth of his lips, the taste of him.

He breaks the kiss and looks at her smiling, her lips are red and swollen from the kiss. She has no idea she's the one who kept him alive. He fought for her, she's the reason he didn't give up.

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