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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 51


The sisters are sitting in the lounge. Celiwe is comforting Nokwanda who is wailing like an ambulance "He said I should abort my child, what kind of a man is that?" She continues weeping. Her heart is aching so bad as if it will rip out of her chest "He used me!" She cries louder remembering how much she's been invested in their relationship. How much she loved him.

"He doesn't deserve your tears, please stop crying" Celiwe says comforting her but she's hearing none of it. The more she comforts her, the louder she cries "Amadoda izinja ...except Donovan and Bhutiza" Celiwe says and clicks her tongue.

Connie walks in with a wine bottle and snacks. She places them on top of the small table and starts pouring the wine into the three glasses.

"I thought you were a badass cop, you're giving me weak woman vibes right now" she hands a glass to Nokwanda "It's alcohol free" she says. Nokwanda takes the glass and gulps it down.

"You guys don't under-"

"Noup. You're going to wipe those tears at this instance. Vusi has proved to you he's a dog and you're here crying for him"

"I'm pregnant. What am I going to tell this child?"

"There are so many kids out there who grow up without fathers, I raised Nhloso alone" -Celiwe

"Being a single mother was never in my plans. I saw a man in Vusi. Someone worthy of my love but I can see now I was just dreaming"

"No one plans to be a single mother. You can't force a boy to be a man or for him to take responsibility for his child. Be happy with the blessing that God has trusted you with and move on with your life. Clearly you and Vusi were never meant to be. You will find someone who will appreciate you and love you truly ...trust me, there are still good man out there. I crushed into ones taxi and I've been happy since" Connie says and they laugh "You will be okay, don't beat yourself up for this" she says assuringly and gives her a hug.

"Thank you. I feel much better" she says with a smile "Now the question is, what am I going to say to Bhuti?"

"About what?" Mahlathini walks in and sits down next to Connie. The three women look at each other. Mahlathini is reading the atmosphere. He can see his sister was crying "What's going on?" he asks looking at them one at by one.

"Umgodoyi got my sister pregnant and said she should abort the child" Celiwe blurts out.

"Ubani lomgodoyi?" Mahlathini asks. They don't answer "Nokwanda..."

"It doesn't really matter-"

"uVusi" -Celiwe

Mahlathini gets up and leaves with no word uttered.

"Well, shît" Connie says, she knows her man and violence. Vusi should run for his life.



It has only been two weeks since he met her but if feels like they've known each other for months. She's a very warm and welcoming person, her personality only draws you in and Smiso is hooked. Yes she's 10 years younger than him but age is just a number right? Nolifa is very mature for her age. He's had conversations with her that he never thought he'd share with anyone. She's very understanding and supportive.

"Ice cream or cigarette?" she asks joining him on the couch with a bowl of ice cream and two cigarettes.

"Both?..." Smiso says and she smiles.

"Ok. Ice cream first"

Today she invited him over to her place. She's staying at a Guest House while she figures where she's going to start building her father a house. They are staying at a two room mud house which can fall any time. He might have abandoned her for 24 years but he's still her father. She has the means to help out so she will. She's not doing it for him but herself.

"Do you see yourself staying in KZN permanently?" Smiso says taking a scoop of the ice cream.

"Maybe. I want to build a relationship with my father. My mom and I don't get along. Our relationship is down in shambles. She's a very inconsiderate, insensitive and selfish person. She never wanted me to find my father, imagine? So I decided I'm going to distance myself from her and live my life the way I want to"

"Mh. I understand. You're very brave. I wish I was this brave at your age"

"You're brave ...and strong. The fact that you managed to pick yourself up after all that happened, says a lot"

"You think?"

"I know, stop putting yourself down" Smiso smiles.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome big boy!" Nolifa says getting up and taking the bowl to the kitchen. She comes back with a lighter and they start smoking while watching a comedy movie. She's laughing and Smiso can't help but stare at her. She's beautiful. But with his condition he will never be able to make a woman like her happy. His mood shift to the thought of it.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" He says faking a smile.

"It's okay, you can tell me when you want to leave"

"No. I don't want to leave" Nolifa stares at him. She smiles and moves closer snuggling next to him. Smiso's arm go around her waist. She rests her head on his shoulder. When she looks up at him he's starring at her, their lips are just inches from each other. Nolifa leans in and kisses him. The kiss gets heated but he has to stop things from going further. Nolifa is confused.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to rush things"

"We're not rushing anything. I want you..." she says and starts kissing him again.

"No" he stops her. Nolifa looks at him in the eyes searching "I can't. I'm sorry" he says in almost a whisper.

"Why?" Smiso opens his mouth to speak but no words come out "Fine" Nolifa stands up and leaves him alone.

He takes a deep breath burying his face in his hands. Tears burn his eyes but he blinks them back.

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