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𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 30


There are times in a man's life where sacrifices have to be made. The game of survival is not an easy one. Most of the time you have to put everything aside, friendship ...brotherhood. Survival is a one man thing.

"Asambeni madoda" one of the men says and he gets up from where he was sitting. He doesn't really know these people, he doesn't have to. The only thing that matters is that he'll be a millionaire after this. He will leave this place and go start his life somewhere else.

He's done with the life if hoping and praying for better days. This is the time where he takes action for his life. He has no one, his parents were killed a long time ago. He grew up under the hand of his uncle, he started working at the rank when he was 13, as time went on, school became less important. When he failed his Matric, he didn't bother going back. He had a taxi and all he thought about was making money and being independent.

He's 33, he doesn't even own a goat. All his efforts to be successful have gone down in the mud. He's been trying but nothing seems to be working for him. His friends and all the guys he grew up with are doing big things. They have businesses and families of their own, he has nothing. This is his only way out, there's no other.

The men get in the cars, BMW'S , 'ithemba lama humusha' these cars are used for spinning and escaping crime scenes. The guys are the best in the game, he's not worried about anything going wrong, he's pretty much relaxed.

It almost dark when they arrive at the farm. Their balaclavas and guns are ready. They leave the cars a few kilometres away and start jogging to the house. They have an hour to collect the cars and leave.

A Porsche and a Jaguar is worth a fortune in the market, the buyer put down 6 million on the table. He'll get half and the 3 milion is for the boys to split, it's all worth it. There's a lot he can do with 3 million.

The security at the gate is taken down in a second, they leave him lying dead on the ground and herd in. These men kill and ask questions later. He doesn't care who dies, as long as he gets his money tonight.



Thando has been snuggled to her Dad since we came back last night. She doesn't want anything but him, he has to carry her around the house. Lucky for us Dad went back to Cape Town so we have our freedom back with the house.

"What did you do while we were away?" I ask Brandon as he enters the tub. We're doing our hygiene routine.

"We played games, Dad took us to the Mall ...oh, we also went to the cinema" he says smiling widely, I know it's been a while since he's been out. I'm always too scared to take him out on my own. I never want to risk him getting any infections. We've been down that road so many times before and it's not nice.

"Are you going to leave me?" he asks after a while, the look in his face is that of sadness "Dad said you will get married soon" I haven't thought about what will happen to him when I have to leave. I don't want to leave him back here all alone, I can't. I'll have to talk to Jackson about it.

"I won't leave you" I say with an assuring smile.

"I enjoy playing with Thando" he says standing up from the tub. They've become the best of friends, their huge age gab is not even an issue. Thando is a smart little Missy.

"I'm glad to hear that" he doesn't have friends, he has always been alone and since Thando arrived, he's been the happiest.

We finish bathing and he steps out of the tub, I wipe him and start applying his skin care products. For some reason he has grown taller for the 2 weeks that I've been gone. He's going to 11 years old, for a person with his condition it's a great milestone. I can't even count the times he's been to the hospital, the pain he faces everyday. He's stronger than anyone I know.

There are some days where I would get so emotional seeing him in pain and he would be the one comforting me "I love you" I say when he's dressed, he smiles and hugs me.

"I love you too" I give him a kiss on the forehead and watch him walk out. I tidy up the place and also walk out to search for my man.

"Where's Thando?" I ask when I find him alone in the living room.

"She's sleeping" I sit down next to him, he snuggles me. I don't know when I fell I sleep but I'm woken up by a loud Bang! "Go to the bedroom, take Thando and Brandon" he says very calmly. I'm still drowsy.

"What's going o-?"

"Go!" I quickly run up the stairs, to my luck Thando and Brandon are in the play room. They look so terrified. I take them to the bedroom where we lock the door.

I'm sure I heard a gun.

I take a deep breath and try to relax but my efforts fail, as soon as I hear the second gun shot my eyes fill with tears. I'm imagining the worst.

If they kill him they should come and kill me too, there's nothing I'll be living for.

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