Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 2

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The white haired girl desperately pointed the clunky gun right at the face of the mutant, fear in her eyes as she squeezed the trigger in her blooded soaked glove. Next thing she knew she was upside down on the floor, witnessing the mutant's head completely exposing in a mess of blood and gore before her eyes, it's body slumped over sliding toward her as she desperately tries to get away from the large creature, only to fall down and turn around as it slowly and stops in front of her face, blood flows from where their head once was, as she looks at the pistol and carefully checked the ammunition

Rabbit 1: Holy... These are bigger then the energy drink cans back home...!

???: Rabbit 1? You copy?

Rabbit 1: This is Rabbit 1, still alive, what's your status Rabbit 3?

Rabbit 3: I am still alive and active here, using this terminal to communicate is a good idea but, it's weird to see these flying skulls everywhere...

The brown hair girl with glasses looks at one of the flying skulls in the room tending to another terminal in the room, scanning as if it's looking for something

Rabbit 3: Well, I got into the security system, but it's floating for some reason, security drone?

Rabbit 1: I think so, but this could help us in finding Rabbit 4

Rabbit 2: I have something to report, I found a large group of those weird worshipers, and they are discussing about something about a plague.

Rabbit 1: you got to be kidding me, are they planning to poison this whole world?

Rabbit 2: and they kept talking about, a being called the grandfather

Rabbit 3: I don't know who this grandfather is, but I hope to that blows up

Rabbit 1 continues to wander around the area, all she could she is constant ruins, barely lit flames, and corpses spew around the area. She then stop proceeding and hide behind a broken wall, looking over a bit as a group of cultist walked passed her, and among the group were men clad in heavy steel armor looking around for something. She kept hidden, making sure her breathing isn't loud enough for them to hear. As soon they left, she quickly left her hiding spot and dash away. She soon then ran into an open area, large shipping containers spew across the area. She searched the area with the lazgun drawn, looking around carefully, peaking every corners as she then saw a smaller empty area, and it was across a bridge, and it there was make shift fortifications spread across the bridge, she climbed over the first wall of sandbags, only to step on something squishy, and wet. She looked down and sees a rotting corpse of woman, her green armor has multiple punctures in the chest as her body lies there. Rabbit 1 hides her disgust and looks up, only to see rows of bodies in similar uniforms lying dead on the bridge, she walked forward until she the sound of radio chatter was heard, faintly, but auditable enough to be hear, she approached a corpse with a large bulky backpack lying in the far back, near the landing pad. She picked up the headset from the corpse's head, and puts it on. She then heard a message.

???: "good news Guardsmen, you are gaining reinforcements from the Astra Militurm, and the Emperor's Angels of death. They are the Death Korps of Krieg 707th Infanty regiment, and the Adeptus Astartes' Ultramarine and Dark angels"

Rabbit 1: "Death Korps? Astra Militurm? Adeptus Astartes? Ultra marines? Dark Angels? What are they...?"

A worry look looms over her face. She never heard these words before, she stood up and threw off the headset back onto the body, she then contacted her two remaining friends to inform them

Rabbit 1: "Squad, I got some news, I found a group here, unfortunately they have been dead for a long time, they were holding out for reinforcements, look like it didn't came in time as I just received the orders of their reinforcements coming, except I heard many different unknown names and afflictions. Such as the Adeptus Astartes and the Astra Militurm"

Rabbit 3: "that does sound concerning, and I also was about to report something else that I have found, and it's not good. A large group of those weird people has gathered up in some sort of cathedral, and all of them are bearing the same symbol, and the monitor kept displaying these words: "heretics detected, alert the Astra Ministurm immediately""

Rabbit 2: "I can vouch for Rabbit 3, I just saw a large massive group just enter the building where I am spying on this smaller group, they all are armed with makeshift weapons, wait, what's that?"

The rabbit ear helmet wearing girl then spots something, another group is entered the room, except compared to the large group, they were wearing dark grey military uniform, they marched into the room behind a cloaked man who looks over to the group as they formed a line behind him, Rabbit 2 looked relieved thinking they are the local police force, then hope escapes her eyes, seeing the 3 pointed circles, smeared onto their armor from pus and blood

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