Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 10

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the astartes and SRT member all continue to run towards the cathedral as the sounds of fighting gets louder, the Guardsmen of Krieg all continue to push forward even as their comrades all fall to the ground from the incoming fire from the heretics and explosions

Miyu: "how much farther?"

Dark Angel: "A few more buildings and some bridges, I don't know, but these heretics are dug in too deeply"

Saki rolled into cover as a red laser barely hits her helmet as she looks out for where it came from, only to be startled by the oversized rifle of the dreadnought as the roof of the building explodes with a singular body falling out and arms waving all over the place before hitting the ground hard as his blood splatter on the ground

Saki: "how strong is that rifle!?!"

Arigul: "it's a Dreadnought weapon, so basically she is using an artillery cannon as a sniper rifle"

Saki: "isn't that overkill?"

Arigul: "say that to the demon engines! Machines possessed by daemons to drive them, and said daemons are forcibly placed into the engines by the Traitor marines! Like that one flying towards us!"

The Chaplin noticed the sickly green mass of metal with two rotors attached to each side of it flying towards them with a gattling gun on it's side firing towards them as they all lower their heads and Miyu shooting her dreadnought at it's singular red glass eye causing it to fly downward and crash as it slowly reverts to a pile of scrapped metal

Saki: "so you used these Dreadnoughts to take down armored enemies?"

Arigul: "Basically yes, but usually the pilots are-"

he was staggered as a bullet hits him in the head, leaving a large dent on his skull like helmet, he looks up and fires his bolt gun at his aggressors before charging forward toward the cathedral

Arigul: "Battle brothers! We are near the cathedral! Charge and kill the heretics, and the traitors! For Caliban!"

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