Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 7

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**DISCLAIMER: What is about to happen is an acutal game of Kill team between the Primaris intercessors and Plague Marines, All details will be listed here for the story, enjoy**

*The traitorous Death Guard ran upward towards where his brother has fallen, and raises his bolt gun at the Ultramarine and fires his shot, the shots unfortunately hits the concrete cover of the ultramarine, the pestilence supersoldier then reloaded his bolter and fires once more as the marine ducked again for cover not sustaining any wounds. Soon the Marine then sticks his head out and ran towards the Plague marine getting close to him and he aimed his Auto Bolt rifle at the marine and fired at him, making noticeable damages on him*

*the Ultramarine's battle brother soon follow suit of the other marine as he too points his bolt gun at his enemy and unloads his magazine on him, but the armor was well guarded enough for him to survive but at least one grazed him*

Ultramarine: "For the emperor!"

*But then the plague marine's friend joined the fire fight, and he is armed with a large gun, it's coils glowing as he aimed at one of the marines, the ultramarine noticed this and warned his eager brother of the incoming attack*

Ultramarine: "Marcus look out!"

*Before the Ultramarine can push his brother away, the gunner fire his shot, blasting the poor marine a hole in his chest, killing him instantly as he drops his bolter and slumped over on the ground*

Ultramarine: "I will avenge you brother! Your death shall not be in vain!"

*In the back of the corridor, a marine armed with a stalker bolt takes careful aim at his enemy, targeting the blast marine who took out his brother, and fires his heave bolter. All the shots manages to hit it's mark as the plague marine was heavily damaged looking up at his hated enemy. The Sergent of the squad then ran upwards down the corridor and aimed his auto bolt gun, and fired at the Icon bearer as he is recovering, the plague marine was almost dead as bolts fly across him hitting him in the vial areas. Soon most of the squad is running down the corridor firing their bolt guns at the enemy, and fierce melee began as the marines pulls out their knifes to kill the heretics. The plague marine armed with the plasma gun fell as a straight cut to the throat ended his miserable suffering. The Marine in the back was then suddenly ambushed from behind another plague marine as he raised his stick and smashing his head, the marine then attempts to punch him but the large obese warrior dodges and attempts to hit him again but the marine dodges but not before getting another faceful of one of Nurgle's follower's attack, almost killing the Marine*

Ultramarine: "dirty....Traitor..."

*The marines inside the sewer passage was too deep in the fight to hear what is going on behind them, as the Ultramarine slaughter the Icon Bearer where he stand as he slumped over bleeding over the floor. The marine in the back that was supposed to cover them then suddenly sees a plague marine popped out of the corner, armed with a Blight launcher, aimed at him, before he can warn his brothers, he was then killed on the spot as he melted away on the floor from the disease that eaten away his armor and flesh. The sergent heard the cries of death from his brother behind him as he saw him melting away, he charges backward and sees only the blight launcher and shoots him with his pistol at his head causing damage as it majorly grazed his head, breaking parts of his sickly green helmet off*

Ultramarine: "VILE TRAITOR!"

*the two marines in front charges forward to get to the exit but suddenly a power fist crackling with energy grabs the head of one of the advancing marines, and crushed his head, leaving behind a headless corpse. The sudden attacker slowly turned around at the remaining marine, and stared him down, laughing softly*

Plague Champion: "You are up against me now, Eboli, the Champion of Nurgle!"

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