Rabbits of The Underhive Pt 19

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*Miyako and the unknown Dark Angel continues to run deep into the sewers, as the area around them became more dirtied with piles of corpses that grows larger the deeper they go, the more decomposed they were with each step to the point they could visibly see fungi and roots growing out of the bodies, the astartes stops in his tracks and turns around firing his bolt pistol at the horde of pox walkers and cultists behind them, managing to down a few of them as the followers of Nurgle opens fire upon them with a hail of bullets and lasers, a complete wall of guns was following behind the two.*

Dark Angel: "Blast!  We were quickly discovered too soon, they might have already alert the rest of the forces about us."

Miyako: "so get into the inner sanctum quickly to stop our enemy from poisoning the entire city?  That sounds good to me"

*Both Miyako and the Dark Angel found cover from the amount of corpses as they soon return fire with their weapons, downing a few pox walkers as the Traitor guardsmen slowly advance forward, stepping over the dead as their firepower is unrelenting.  Miyako soon put down her drone and activates it as it suddenly charges forward toward the horde of guardsmen, stunning them with a bright light giving the Space Marine a chance to charge at them with his power sword, it came to life with a bright blue glow of energy as he quickly chop down the soldiers in front of them as their flak armor are mere paper in the might of the master crafted power sword of the Sons of the Lion.  Miyako looks in daze as the soldiers were cleanly cut in half with each swing of the large sword.  The marine steps on the head of those who have fallen down from the force of the marine's stature, he then quickly rolled backwards towards Miyako as the mountain of corpses suddenly collapses ontop of the remaining traitor guardsmen as they are buried alive.*

Dark Angel: "we are in the clear, keep moving Guardsman!"

*Miyako quickly follows behind the Marine as they rush down the sewers as more the traitors climbs over the corpses and quickly persuades them.  Miyako unpins a grenade and slams it into the wall of corpses besides her, which then detonates on top of the group of pursuing cultist as they are again buried alive again.* 

Miyako: "This isn't a grave site, it's a disease cultivational site so its ok if a few walls fall onto of them right?"

Dark Angel: "Indeed, give the dead the proper burial they deserve, and the traitors the proper death that they have brought upon themselves"

*Back on the surface of the city, the army of the Imperium is hiding behind covers of broken buildings and debris as the defenders of the cathedral unloads wave after wave of heavy bolter fire, lazgun fire, and the heavy machine guns made from planetary defenses.  The Sergent in blue armor looks over to his left and nods at the marine in green armor, who then pulls out a plasma rifle, taking aim at one of the bunkers of the defenders, and firing before they have a chance to react, one of the heavy bolters emplacements blows up into a mass of blue smoke as what remains is a large hole in the makeshift wall of sandbags and a pair of legs.   The marine then aims again at the plague marines defending another part of the defense when one of the traitorous astartes's upper half of his body blows up into a mass of gore as a white dreadnought charges in firing it's melta gun while another group of marines and guardmen charges through the line.*

Saki: "we have breached the line, we are moving in deeper!"

Arigul: "Charge them down!  Do not let one of those heretical scum live!"

*Miyu slams her fist into a charging plague marine instantly pinning him to the ground as his face got a sudden hole in his head from a shot of a plasma pistol, which the marine then discarded and rips of a bolt pistol attached to the back of the Dreadnought, which he then take pot shots at the enemy around them.  Saki on the other hand shot some of the daemons coming towards their position, throwing a grenade into the next line as the defenders desperately tries to reload the heavy bolter before blowing up into a mass of gore. *  

Saki: "there is the last line!"

Kriegman: "Traitor tank!"

*Suddenly as if it was popping out of the ground, a Plague Marine Plagueburster Crawler rolled into the battlefield firing a shell into the sky, blasting apart the makeshift command center of the Death Korps located far away from the cathedral and near the elevator point.*

Moe: "that tank, is that outfitted with a weapon that turns it into a mobile artillery cannon!?"

Arigul: "yes it is!  Take out the Plagueburster Crawler, make sure it doesn't bomb the crap out of our position!"

*As soon Arigul announced that, a squad of Hellblaster marines suddenly charged in firing everything they have at the mobile artillery cannon, only for some of them to be gunned down by the machine gun and cannons on its side, but manages to make some noticeable damages on the hull of the vehicle, which then Miyu makes her shot blasting the Plagueburster into a cloud of green fire, killing the tank crew inside as a Plague marine covered in the fire runs out collapsing on the ground.  This causes most of the defenders to retreat towards the large doors of the cathedral attempting to open it up, only to be blown away backwards by a large, mechanical horror, it's mechanical legs march forward slowly, its tentacle arms flailing around, it's double-barreled autocannon affixed on the attackers, and his helmeted head, shows great distain towards the attackers as he readies himself for battle*

Helbrute: "No one, will stand in Lord Eboli's plan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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