Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 3

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*Looking down at the group of soldiers standing guard and cocking their weapons as they look upon the crowd of fellow cultist. They all stared in silence, as the cloaked man, began to speak*

Cult leader: "Today! Is the start of our glorious rebellion! Today! Is the day where we are released from the shackles of the false emperor! For years we have been oppressed by the Imperium for what it is, a power that seeks to runs us through the ground till we are nothing but lifeless. We toil in the Corpse Emperor's shadow long enough, and my fellow believers, I too was once blinded by the lies of the Imperium, that was until the Grandfather, blessed me with his gift! Thus began my crusade to enlist others like me to free ourselves from the vile lies of the Ecclesiarchy! Today! We will spread the Grandfather's gift through the entirety of Tertiri's water system, then, we can gain our freedom! GLORY TO CHAOS! GLORY TO NURGLE! LET US SPREAD THE GIFT OF THE GRANDFATHER!"

*the man suddenly threw off his hood showing a very deformed face with large blisters and horns growing out of his head, this seems to rile up the cult as they all began to cheer loudly, and all began to chant in unison with the Guardsmen that turned their back on their former allies*


*Rabbit 2 almost puked at the sight of the cult leader's head, she then regain her composure and as quickly she got into the building, she snuck out of the building running as fast as possible to get as far from the mad cult of Nurgle. Everything was a blur to her as she ran pass all of the ruined buildings as she quickly reaches for her communication device and spoke*

Rabbit 2: "Guys, please pray that the reinforcement gets here fast, those crazy people are planning to poison the water supplies today! And let me tell you! We can't win against a force as crazy as them"

*Rabbit 1 looks up at the ceiling of the underhive, scared out of her mind of the news and reconisence her friend has given. Both Rabbit 3 and her's eyes looked scared, but the leader of the squad swallowed hard, and loads the lazgun*

Rabbit 1: "Rabbit 2, ping me your location"

*Rabbit 2 stopped in her track upon hearing her commander's words, and was confused by her sudden request*

Rabbit 2: "W-what? I can send you the coordinates, but why? "

Rabbit 3: "Uh, Miyako? What's up with you right now"

Miyako: "Those reinforcement won't make it in time, so I am planning on buying them time"

"So what the current order is; "find Rabbit 4, without me"


Rabbit 3: "Listen to Sora, Miyako! Fighting a large group of them is hard, but alone impossible!"

Miyako: "I know, so, if you guys get back home without me, tell Sensei this: *"I am sorry"*"

*Out in the void above the planet, a two Thunderhawks, one Space Marine Landing Craft and several Valkyries desecends on the planet below, as quickly as they can.*

*Inside one of the Valkyries, a group of blue armored Space Marines looks all unease at one another as they exchanges glaces at each other, as a small girl with long black hair and white rabbit ears sits comfortably on one of the Dark Angel's lap as he holds her down making sure she doesn't bounce around violently*

Ultramarine: "so uh... What's with the Abhuman, Dark Angel?"

*The soldier in blue points at the small student on his lap confused as she looks away uncomfortable as there is too many unfamiliar people around her*

Arigul: "Her? Oh! Her name is Miyu, and apprently not an Abhuman, the ears turns out to be faked according to the bio scanner, and I think she is one of the Emperor's angel"

*the large black space marine pets the small creature with his armor clad hands, making her feel a little bit at ease with the current party*

Ultramarine: "Hmm, I guess you are right, she does have that halo above her head, is she a warp spawn"

Dark Angel: "Negative, Psychers never smell the the stench of the warp on her, they said that she smells more like a trashcan instead"

Ultramarine: "ok so, but anyway, why is she here? What is her purpose her?"

Arigul: "apprently she is a pretty good sniper, the tech priest that took her noted that she shot a cultist directly between the eyes. and across an underhive"

Ultramarine: "so she is better then any sniper we have?"

Arigul: "Yes"

*All the Ultramarines and Dark Angels all suddenly stares at the fragile creature, as she suddenly dart behind the Chaplin's legs and peaks out a little at them*

Ultramarine: "How the throne is such a small weak and cute creature able to be a deadly sniper?"

Arigul: "I don't know"

*Inside of a Valkyrie ship, a single commissar, in the corner of the drop ship, slowly looks around, and pulls out, a small photo, on the back of it, it read*

*"Let us rebuild the SRT academy one day!"*


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