Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 5

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Miyu was surprised by the sudden action of the large armored man as they were quickly falling down to the landing pad of the hive city, in which several Valkyries has already landed as the Death Korps quickly flush out of them running towards whatever available elevators there is, as the Dark Angel quickly activate his jump pack to slow down his fall as the small rabbit clung onto his army tightly hoping not to fall. They soon reached the ground as the Space Marine Landing Craft soon dropped off the large boxy machine for her to pilot

Arigul: "alright little one, do you know why we are here?"

Miyu: "N-no...?"

the small rabbit was shaking violently as I he space marine gently puts her in the recycling bin as the machine spirit awakens upon sensing it's pilot

Arigul: "ok, we are here to kill any crazy people who are trying to poison this planet ok? So I need you to give us sniper support, in this Dreadnought"

Miyu: "Poison? Why would they do that?"

Arigul: "I don't know, they are traitors for all I know"

A 10 squad of Gas masked wearing, dark grey uniform known as the Death Korps all standing around in front one of the elevator doors waiting for the elevator to get to the current floor. One of the Death Korps look at his Lucius Pattern Lasgun, this was his first deployment, he looks around at his squad, the group all were unmoving, all ready to enter the elevator as the Commisar walks by the as they all salute to the Commisar.

the elevator made out a ding, and as they are all ready to enter. The Commisar stopped them in their tracks as the door open revealing a school girl with a military vest and a helmet on top of her head with rabbit ears as they both looked at each other in shock

Rabbit 2: "uh... hi?"

the entirety of the Death Korps squad of 10 all point their Lasguns at her face as she in return pulls out her Type-26 Machine gun aiming back at them, unflinching, all staring each other down

Miyu: Saki!!!

Rabbit 2, or Saki, suddenly looks up and looks over the gas masked men as her eyes widen with awe as she sees a large body metal Mech running towards her, and the unmistakeable insignia of the recycling company is on the front of it, as well as a small little head of a rabbit eared girl sticking out of it

Saki: "Miyu!? Where have you been!? What the heck are you in?!"

Miyu: "Saki!"

The Death Korps moved out of the way as the Dreadnought was moved towards her friend, in which it kneel as Miyu crawled out of the recycling box as the Black colored Astarte with a skull helmet comes over to her and helped her out of her dreadnought and set her down in front of her friend. The helmet wearing girl kneel on one knee, and hugged her small teammate tightly

Saki: "we were so worried about you... where have you been...?"

Miyu: "well... I have been taken away from a bunch of people wearing red robes and look like they have some cybernetic that looks like it came out of a science fiction story"

Saki looks up looking around for the people Miyu has described, and she saw several of them tending to some of the lasguns of the Death Korps, she stops hugging Miyu and charges forward with rage in her eyes, jumping on top of one of the gask mask of the Death Korps and leaps off of him as she quickly descend on top of the Tech Priest of the Mechanicus, knocking the unsuspecting red robed cyborg to the ground. Before the member of the Mechanicus could do anything. His metal face was greeted by the enraged fist of a rabbit


the tech priest was screaming for his life in binary and utterly confused about the sheer strength of Miyu's fellow squad member.

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