Rabbits of the Underhive pt 15

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*The Dark green astartes slowly holsters his bolt pistol away, and took a breath as he heard the sounds of the daemon being banished back to the warp, he then looks onto his side as he sees Miyako waking up a little from her nap, she rubs her eyes, then check her surroundings, she then looks at her lazgun, removing the magazine to check the inside, then remembering that this gun uses a battery as it's ammo, she put it back in as the astartes rises to his feet.*

Dark Angel: "we are not that far from the source of this heresy, we should move out soon.  Come Guardsman, we descend deeper into this maze of sewers."

Miyako: "Copy, and I have some questions for you"

Dark Angel: "Speak your mind"

Miyako: "that symbol, on your right pauldron, does it signify what squad you belong to?  And what's a Guardsman"

*The rabbit girl points at the winged sword on the space marine's pauldron, it was worn down due to the constant battles.  His left hand slowly touches it, sliding off it as he looks down, his gaze directed towards the ground, with a mix of pride and sorrow shown through his eyes*

Dark Angel: "This symbol; it's not just a symbol of a squad or an army, but a chapter, a symbol of pride to Space Marines who bares it's mark, all chapters consisting of 1000 marines each, originated from a singular source, a legion.  To be more precise 18 legions.  Those legions are what we called the first foundings in this day and age.  My chapter, the Dark Angels, were the first legion, before becoming a chapter"

Miyako: "So your Legions, there were 18 of them?  What happened to force them to turn into Chapters?"

*The Dark Angel stops in his tracks, he slowly turns around at her, what used to be sorrow and pride, was now replaced with hate and resentment*

Dark Angel: "10,000 terran years ago, an event that shook the entire Imperium to it's core.  A massive civil war that occured within, a war, caused by one of the legion's leader.  This war, was called, the Horus Heresy"

*Miyako doesn't understand what he means, but she does understand the heaviness of the topic from his tone alone.  He turns around and continues to walk forward slowly scanning the area around him.*

Dark Angel: "Our 18 legions, each one has a leader, our "Primarchs", my legion, the first legion, was lead by the Primach, Lion'el Johnson.  He was raised on the world Caliban.  Where he grew up fighting deamons before meeting his father.  Then from the skies, his true father, the God Emperor of man, descend to take his son back home"

Miyako: "Wait, so Lion'el was separated from his father from birth, sent to another planet, and was raised there?  How did he get there"

Dark Angel: "That's a topic that I won't talk about, because I have no knowledge about it"

Miyako: "and about the Guardsman thing"

Dark Angel: "Guardsman, or the Asta Militurm, is the main military force of the Imperium, each regiment hails from different worlds with different culture, like the Vostroyans Firstborn who are born on a cold world making them good soldiers, and the Cadian forces who grew up on a defense planet before it blew up."

Miyako: "what do you mean it blew up"

Dark Angel: "well... A bunch of traitors destroyed Cadia with a massive space station, and Cadia is the Cadian's homeworld"

Miyako: "did anyone survive?"

Dark Angel: "many has survived, but this planet won't if we don't get to the source of this heresy"

*The rabbit nodded in agreement as the two descend deeper into the dark sewers, the flashlight from Miyako's lazgun was the only thing illuminating the darkness, as the marine walks forward with his sword in hand, as the sound of war within the hive city, can be heard again* 

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