Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 11

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*The dark green astartes all jumped over their covers, putting away their bolters and pulling out what ever melee weapons they have on hands, knives, power weapons, and chainblades, and some pulls out their fist as they all rush the enemy positions grabbing, slashing and bashing their enemies to death as the two SRT members all looked in awe at the mastery of the Angels of Death's melee ablities.*

Saki: "This is insane, they have these futuristic weapons that the Engineering departments could of developed!"

Rabbit 3: "Plasma grenades, melta bombs, and even mass produced plasma cannons, I want to bring home one of those bombs and study it"

Tech priest: "do not steal the Machine God's stuff you twin eared heretic!"

Rabbit 3: "woah easy, all I wanted is to take a look at the inner working of the bombs"

Tech Priest: "You will no-"

Ultramarine Tech Marine: "let her have a STC of one of the bombs, she deserve it as she is exposing ambush points and enemy reinforcement"

Rabbit 3: "What's an STC?"

Tech Marine: "Standard Template Construct, basically a digital blue print, it could instantly build you a machine, or show you how"

Rabbit 3: "Holy crap"

Tech Priest: "I am uncomfortable handing over a holy relic to this mutant"

Rabbit 3: "HEY! I am not a mutant! I have these ears since i was born"

Tech Priest: "exactly mutant!"

Tech Marine: "Tech Priest, please let us reward her later, it what the omissah would do"

Tech Priest: "FINE!"

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