Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 12

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Miyako continues to travel deeper into the tunnels, hearing the sounds of gunshots and expositions above her, as she wonders if a war is waging over and the lack of combatants down in her area. She soon found an empty room with beds stacked on tops each other like bunk beds, feeling a bit sleepy despite the stimulants, she walks over to one of the bed and lays down quietly, the bed reminds her of her old dorm in the SRT academy before it was shut down, and wonders if she can a chance to rebuild the academy when she gets home. She then began to think about her fellow Rabbit squad members and worries if they are ok, with a singular tear falling down her face before she can drift off into sleep. She was then suddenly woken up by a loud painful scream that was followed by a sound of a boltgun, startling her making her sit up. She grabbed her lasgun and ram towards the sound of the noises, the sounds of a battle was happening as the sounds lasgun firing and autoguns going off next to a singular boltgun firing was getting closer as what she sees would shock her

A large man covered in dark green armor, that was also covered in a large cloak was swinging a large sword that was giving off a brilliant blue glow cutting down the cultist surrounding him. He was much larger then his aggressors as they fell around him one by one with their weapons not affecting him much due to his armor, he raised his bolt pistol at a direction and fires off several shots at a group hiding behind cover

???: "Cease this fighting, your defeats will not quench my wrath to the traitors!"

he then proceed to kick one of them in the chest causing the cultist to impact the wall as blood splattered all over the wall, then cuts off the head of a robed cultist, the head rolled towards the rabbit's feet, then the marine drops down, sitting down, breathing heavily looking at a sword lodged into his collarbone, touching it gently as he takes off his cloak off his head revealing a broken helmet as one side of it was broken off

???: "I know you are there guardsman, come out"

Miyako slowly comes out raising her gun at her and in return the Astartes draws his bolt pistol

???: "if you are here to kill me, then I will kill you"

Miyako: "I am not, you were fighting the same people I am, meaning are you here to stop them?"

???: "you... could say that. Come sit down, you just be tired too"

Miyako hesitated to sits down next to the marine as he looks around

Miyako: "uh... who are you?"

the marine looks at her then looks away, reloading his nearly empty gun and lowers his head at the corpses around him

???: "I am one of the Emperor's angels, a member of the first legion"

The dark Angel sat on the bloodied and gored floor of the dimly lit room, surrounded by the corpses of the infected Cultist around them, he looks at Miyako who has fallen asleep on him, holding the lazgun close to her, in a position that she could quickly use it in a fire fight, he sat there, wondering the one thing that is bothering him the entire time

???: "Where the throne did her Halo go?"

he looks at the sword lodged into his collar bone, and silently adjusted it and cleaning the blood off the steel with a piece of cloth, showing his reflection on it as he stared into his dead, empty eyes. He then took noticed the small badge on the girl as he read it, the SRT logo interested him wondering if she is a special Guardsman regiment like the Tempest Scions. Then looks around him again, making sure no one sneaks up on them, then looks back down on her again wondering if she is the last of her squad, gently giving her a headpat with his glove, this lone soldier, reminded her of himself, fighting all alone, in the dark rooms and corridor of this hive city

???: "I hope your friends are trying to find you, or watching over you"

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