Rabbits of the Underhive pt 16

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*Miyako and the Dark Angel slowly move forward inside the dark and damp tunnels.   The SRT member tries her best to not throw up seeing the massive amount of human waste and corpses littered around the corridor as the sounds of flies and a very pungent and wasting smell.  She cups her mouth over her mouth as she walked forward, following the astarte from behind as he seems unfazed from the disgusting scenery around them.  With each step a loud wet slosh can be heard, a foul green mist covered the corridor as Miyako shines her flashlight onto the walls of the passageways, seeing more pus covered the walls, and the sketches of the symbols of Chaos on the pillars and the walls. *

Miyako: "why is this all here...?"

*Miyako gags on the air around her, seemingly disturbed and disgusted about the environment around her*

Dark Angel: "This is possibly a ritual ground for the Nurgle cult.  They must have a diseased contaminated area to do such a ritual, and I have suspected they have summoned several daemons already on the battlefields."

Miyako: "Daemons?  You mean demons right?"

Dark Angel: "No I mean Daemons, that term is used by the Warp Spawns themselves when they manifest in the material realm.  The realm we stand on.  We are here."

*The Dark Angel stops in his tracks as he pulls out his bolt gun, staring down at a large room with a large ritual circle carved into the ground illuminated by a depressing yellow glow of the hive city from above, and the circle has eight pointed marks extending out of it.  And at the center of the circle was a massive pile of pus and green sludge littered around it.  It was made to look like something has burst out of the circle from the center, and the trail of glowing yellow slime extending outward seems to lead to another passageway, the astarte carefully look around his surroundings as he aims his boltpistol around him, scanning to make sure there is no enemy is hidden waiting to ambush him.  Miyako concentrates her lazgun at one of the corridors, seeing it lit up by a trail of torches as well seeing ornaments of nurgle's symbol dangling in the entrance.*

Miyako: "is this room a ritual room?"

Dark Angel: "Appear to be so, and from the looks of it, only one daemon has been summoned, but from the evidence we can see, it was a Beast of Nurgle.  Large jolly green disgusting warp spawns that seeks out those on the material plain to play with, only to unwittingly crush them beneath it's weight and charge."

Miyako: "that sounds disturbing"

Dark Angel: "and what we saw earlier, was things needed to make a good disease filled area, but there is enough here to please the god of decay, Nurgle, to the point he blessed the followers here a Daemon here.  But the question is, who is the summoner, or the sorcerer?"

*He then quickly turns his head around as he senses something, he then rushes over to Miyako and picks up the small special ops member.  Jumping over a pile of rotting corpses and peaks his head out a little, he then quickly faced the rabbit and gestured her to be quiet.  She nods as he peaks out too as she saw a large, bloated, green armored person walks into the room, his helmet was completely covering his eyes with no signs of a way to see through it, in his hand was large staff with 3 circles connected to each other, and as he stares down at the circle, two more marines came out from behind him as they gather some of the rotting masses around them and put them on the different points of the Chaos symbol.  The sorcerer's staff began to glow a sickly green as he cackled.  He began to chant as the Plague Marines all ran for cover and hide behind some of the rotting piles of bodies.  The circle glowed an ominous green light as he raises the staff above his head.  Then slam it on the ground.  A green mist began to swarm around the summoning circle as quick as it had appeared, it dissipates revealing a host of PlagueBearers, all looking around as the sorcerer points at the passageway with the slime trail.  The daemon of nurgle all rush towards the entrance as the Plague marine all comes out of hiding to accompany the sorcerer in his duty.*

Dark Angel: "Plaguebearers, Daemons of Nurgle, but something is up with them...  Why did they obey that sorcerer."

Miyako: "Is it that abnormal?"

Dark Angel: "It is, your would need a Daemon's true name to control them, but why would they obey the sorcerer so easily?"

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