2. Something is WRONG

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Even after arriving to school much earlier, Kuboyasu still walked into homeroom at his usual time. This was because of their quick trip to the school nurse after Kaidou had thrown up everywhere. He didn't even bother asking his mum if he could go home, since he knew the answer would be a firm "no".

Kaidou immediately rushed over to Saiki who looked somewhat distressed, which was very much unlike him. But that could have been because he was talking to Toritsuka.
"Saiki!" Kaidou weaved between the tables, his scarf flowing behind him like a cape. "Have you heard?" He leaned on the table, holding his body up with his arms.
Toritsuka perked up with a smile, "Oh! About Nendou and Hairo? Yeah, Saiki's been in shock since I told him this morning!" Saiki didn't respond, only giving a giving blink.

"Hey," Toritsuka leaned closer, cupping a hand around his cheeky smile. "Do you think they've... you know?"

Kuboyasu immediately slapped him across the cheek. He didn't even know why, it's not like it was a crazy concept. But oh his he did not want to even think about it.

"Ah! Why'd you do that!" Toritsuka yelped, covering a bright red mark on his face. "They're a couple! That's what couples do!" Even the thought was enough to make Kuboyasu gag. That meant that Kaidou was probably seconds from actually vomiting. And he sure did look like he was.

"Alright just shut up about it." Kuboyasu placed a hand on Kaidou's back. "Let's get you to sit down, yeah?" They moved to the other side of the table as Toritsuka muttered to himself how much it stung.

He pulled out a chair for Kaidou then for himself, and sat down. He didn't remove his hand for a moment as Kaidou spoke "Yeah, anyways. I was taking about Hairo and Nendou. Then had to go to the school nurse." Shun grumbled, placing a hand to his stomach.

"What? Did you see them kiss or something?" Saiki asked with a tone as if he was making something up. Like it was a joke. Oh how he wished that it was a joke and none of it had happened.
Kuboyasu nodded with a sigh, "Yes. We did." He glanced at Kaidou, now with closed eyes and taking deep breathes. "Then he threw up."

Saiki and Toritsuka both glanced at Kaidou, then sort of shrugged like it made sense.
"It was so gross." Kaidou grumbled through his sleeve that was now covering his mouth. He pulled his hand away, "How has Nendou even had his first kiss?"

A tiny flicker of a smile played on Saiki's face. "Technically it was with Takahashi." Kuboyasu burst out into laughter, hands slamming against the table.
"Takahashi?" He gasped between breathes. "Of course it was that guy! Shit they're probably a good match for each other!" He took a deep breath so his voice stayed more steady. "Oh dude I bet that was the first kiss for both of them!" Tears were peaking out from his eyes as his laughter rang out through the classroom. The others laughed too, so he wasn't a complete freak just laughing to himself.

"Wait. When did the kiss between Nendou and Takahashi occur, Saiki?" Kaidou leaned in closer. Saiki froze, seemingly very much in thought. Then shrugged. Just shrugged and nothing more. "Tch. What a shame you can't provide any more intel..." Kaidou shrunk back into his chair and crossed his arms.

Out of no where, there was laughter. Kuboyasu turned to see that it was coming from Toritsuka. He smiled with his tongue between his teeth. "You only want to know when Nendou's first kiss was because you still haven't had yours, right Kaidou?" He gave Kaidou a big grin and awaited his response.
His face immediately turned bright red shaking from side to side. "N-no that's not why! A-and that's n-not true!" Oh Kuboyasu was listening. He'd never heard of Kaidou ever kissing anyone, so it was a great chance that he was lying. But on the slight chance that it was true, he needed to hear everything.

Toritsuka glanced at Saiki with nothing you could describe other than a twinkle in his eye and a playful smile. He turned his attention back to Kaidou. "Who was it you kissed? Was it a girl at this school? Toritsuka placed a hand on the table to contain his eagerness. Otherwise he probably would have sprung from his chair. "Ah! Was it that short one with the head band? I almost hooked up with her in the forest you know!" Chiyo and Toritsuka?Kuboyasu hadn't felt his mouth drop, he only noticed when he saw Kaidou's face matching his own.

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