11. Possibly outside KFC

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An entire day had passed, and still Kuboyasu hadn't said anything. Not that he really wanted to confess at school. He could do better than that. But even worse, he'd agreed to go out with Shun after school to get this new game he wanted. Despite how he had decided he was going to avoid anything to do with him. But in hindsight, Aren should have known he never would have followed through with something like that.

"The first game wasn't that good, since most of the weapons were too overpowered. And the story itself wasn't that great either. Then the second game, the developers actually listened to the players, which resulted in it being ranked the best game of the year." Kaidou kept talking like that the entire walk there. Except with much worse nerdy terms and it just didn't stop. It was times like this that Kuboyasu realised that people like this were actually real. And he'd unfortunately fallen for one.

"And did you know that the soundtrack that plays when you enter the diner is actually- What the hell is this!" Kaidou jumped out squirming at the line in front of him. It was going to be at least a forty minute wait, if not longer. "This is ridiculous! For some game?" His eyes were desperate as he looked between the group of people and Kuboyasu.

Kuboyasu only shrugged, figuring there was nothing they could do. Of course he could just run in cutting the line, steal one if necessary. He would even get in a physical fight with a nerd if he needed to. But maybe aggressive actions like that wouldn't be seen as attractive to Shun. And he was better than that.

Waiting this long for a game did seem pretty ridiculous, but Kuboyasu had just listened to Kaidou talk for twenty minutes about the game franchise. Obviously it meant just a little bit to him. There was nothing that was going to stop them from getting it.

Kuboyasu laid a hand on Kaidou's shoulder with a sigh. "Come on, Shun. We're gonna get this game." He glanced at him who was now much less excited.
"No, no. It's, uh, it's okay. I'll just come back tomorrow and get it." Kaidou fumbled with his words as his fingers glided across the jacket he was wearing.
"Shun." Kuboyasu's glasses dipped down his nose. "I'll stand in that line for you. I don't care." He really did mean that too.
Kaidou's eyes widened, "No! I wouldn't let you do that by yourself just for me! We're doing this together." He declared, already walking to the end of the line. "It's better than waiting for ramen everyday anyways."

It took them about thirty minutes just to enter the shop. The whole time Kaidou continued to rattle off knowledge about the games, which slowly divulged into theories and what not. It no doubt annoyed everyone around them. Kuboyasu really just found it impressive that he knew so much.

They were quickly escorted around the room towards the game. Bought it, and hurried out. All that waiting and anticipation for it to just happen. "You ready to go now?" Aren tilted his head closer to Kaidou's as they walked. Kaidou looked up, the cold air tinting his face pink. He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I'm tired now." All tired from being an absolute dork. Kuboyasu laughed and before he could stop himself, he rubbed Kaidou's back. It was such friendly behaviour, but now he wasn't so sure.

There were times after they would kiss that everything would just go back to normal. They'd just be exactly the same best friends as how they were before. Then they would kiss or do something intimate and things would get all mixed up.

And the pattern seemed to be continuing even now as Shun leaned in to Kuboyasu. Tilting his head up, he whispered, "Don't you think we should hold hands?" There was no hint of flirting in his voice, but the fact he was whispering it to him like this... Shit, it made Aren heat up real quick.

He bent his head down a bit and asked in a hushed voice, "Do you want to?" Kaidou immediately jolted away from him. Oh no.
"What do you mean if I want to?" He mocked him. How he had emphasised that maybe he actually may have wanted to hold his hand.

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