4. Peach Kisses

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He could understand why Kaidou hadn't liked the peach tea. It was ridiculously sweet, but Kuboyasu didn't actually mind it. Kaidou on the other hand was glumly chewing his bun and taking sips of the tea he'd been given. Just constantly in thought.
"Why do you really care about Hairo and Nendou?" Kuboyasu asked carefully. Where did they go from here? Would they eventually kiss? Because Kuboyasu figured it wouldn't be appropriate to ask if he could kiss Kaidou while he bawled his eyes out.

Kaidou sighed, "I don't know. If Nendou of all people can be in a relationship and do all that, then how come I can't?" He rested his head on his hand. It was like he was saying it completely to himself. "Like I don't really care if I was or wasn't in a relationship! But nobody even likes me!" He sighed and shook his head.

Was he just saying that out of insecurity or was he really that unaware? "Shun, don't say that." Kuboyasu said, trying to make his voice sound more gentle as to mask the hurt.
"It's true though." He grumbled, "Everyone thinks I'm a loser and just ignore me. There's no one there that takes special notice of me."
Aren shook his head, biting the corner of his lip. "You're such a dumbass, Shun if you actually believe all that bullshit."

Kaidou shot up and stared at him. "Huh? What I'm saying is all true!" Sure, part of it was true, everyone knew that Kaidou typically had a reputation as the weird kid with the bandages. But there were tons of people that could look past that and see who he really was.

"All right, whatever." Kuboyasu placed down the bottle. "But you've got a shit ton of friends don't you?" Kaidou looked away. "And don't give me some crap about how they don't actually like you. You know that they do. And people with crushes aren't all that open about it. You'd have no idea unless they confessed to you." Anger fizzled through his words, ending with a loud hiss. Maybe if Shun would open his eyes a little more, he'd realise.

The wind rustled the packagings from their food. It swept Kaidou's hair across his forehead and back closer to his ear. He looked away for a split second before looking back at Kuboyasu. The eye contact making him bubble inside. "Eh, yeah you're right, Aren. I shouldn't even get worked up over Nendou. How pathetic." He giggled and then fiddled with his collar. Kuboyasu just watched as he moved. Surprisingly, his spiteful and jealousy filled advice had actually resonated with Kaidou.

Maybe he wouldn't need to kiss Kaidou. He would be able to go back to school a new person, not worrying about why he was somehow less attractive than Nendou (which certainly wasn't the case). Then Kuboyasu's little crush would just disappear with no risk of ruining this friendship.

But he spoke too soon. As Kaidou sighed and turned away into the moonlight. "I do feel kind of left out not having my first kiss yet. And that's nothing to do with Nendou." He turned back. "I guess you've had yours then, huh?"Oh lord. Kuboyasu wasn't exactly in the mood to talk about past relationships and experiences.

"Uh yeah. I've kissed a couple people actually." He picked at his lip as he tried to remember. They'd all happened during his delinquent days which occasionally all melded into one.
"A couple?" Kaidou looked genuinely horrified. "Oh my God I'm so behind!" He screeched.

Kuboyasu laughed, reaching out to him. "I promise, sometimes you really aren't. It's not a big deal." Kaidou didn't seem convinced, crossing his arms.
"Yeah well you can say that." He shook his head. Kuboyasu glanced over him, assessing whether he should ask it. They weren't going to get anywhere without him at least putting the idea out there. He decided in a moment of adrenaline, that fuck it. Kuboyasu was going to kiss him.

He took a deep breath to steady his body which was all sweaty and nervous. "You know Shun, if you really care all that much about having your first kiss... then," his breathing hitched as he spat out the last few words. "I'd kiss you." Aren's voice trembled a little,  and his face felt hot, but the wind and the dark setting was enough to conceal those things. Kaidou didn't try to conceal his shock, snapping his head around with his mouth hanging open and his brows furrowed. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.

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