9. Awakening

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The alarm went off, waking both of them in a hurry. Part of Kuboyasu had expected, and somewhat dreaded, that he was going to wake up with Kaidou all tangled between him. Not that it would be awful, but it would make this whole thing just a tad more awkward, wouldn't it? He felt all weird this morning, and no doubt Kaidou did too. But it wasn't an issue when he awoke, since only his arm had been draped across.

Kuboyasu pulled himself up from the bed as Kaidou quietly sniffled. He quickly turned off the alarm while trying to keep his eyes off of Shun. God he was all shaken up after that kiss last night. It couldn't possibly have been real.

And now after having slept together - not like that - and waking up all unkept and sleepy, it felt like the two were showing everything to each other. They were certainly closer in the past week or so than they had ever been. And God Kuboyasu loved every second of it.

"Morning Shun." Aren stood up and walked to the other side of the bed, planting a kiss on Shun's forehead. His eyes fluttered open, a shy smile on his lips. Kuboyasu had to physically turn away to stop himself from kissing them. A forehead kiss was already risking it, but that would be far too much. Sometimes he had to remind himself that this wasn't as serious as he sometimes thought it was.

The quilts rustled as Kaidou slipped out of bed. His light hair even more messy than usual, and the dark band shirt he wore contrasting against his pale marble skin. There was something raw about this Shun, without all of the other persona and the bandages. It was the Shun that only Aren got to see.

Kaidou's eye was on him as Kuboyasu picked up and put on his glasses. He felt hot and somewhat awkward, especially not knowing what he was thinking. He wished that maybe Shun wanted to pull him back onto the bed and kiss him until their lips hurt, but he had an awful feeling that that wasn't the case. Why would he?

Kaidou then sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. Kuboyasu glanced over at him, "You alright?" He wandered back in front of Shun then. "Or are you just looking?"
"You're just nice to look at." Kaidou said quietly with a slow look down his body, lighting a flame as his eyes traveled. He suddenly seemed to realise exactly what he was doing as he jolted away and instantly raised his hands to his face. "Are you hungry? I'll get you something now before your game!" Kaidou exclaimed, practically jumping off the bed and striding out the door.

He left Kuboyasu standing there a blushing mess with tingly legs. But he couldn't ponder on it for too long, if he did then he may start getting more confident than he already was. And maybe even consider that Shun was being serious.

Kaidou stood in the kitchen looking through the fridge. He quickly turned around when he realised that Kuboyasu was standing there. It felt tense between the two of them, like they were waiting for the other to do something. But Kuboyasu was going to hold himself back from this point forward, since he was too far gone. Even after he told himself that it would never get to this point.

"Just take whatever you want." Kaidou grumbled with a wave in the general direction of the rest of the kitchen. He jumped onto the counter with a muffin in one hand, as his legs dangled over the edge. Kuboyasu couldn't help but smile knowing how much his mother would disapprove. How she would probably yell at him to get off since it was unsanitary. Hopefully she was still fast asleep.

They were standard muffins with some type of fruit in them, no doubt baked by Kaidou's mother. Kuboyasu gladly picked one up, taking a massive bite out of one. He caught Kaidou's eye watching him, before quickly turning away. Holding back a laugh so he didn't spit everywhere, Aren grasped the counter to the side of Kaidou's thigh.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Kaidou looked up at him, putting down the muffin by his side. He carefully placed a hand on Kuboyasu's arm, pulling him in closer.
"What are you doing?" Kuboyasu looked down at the hand on his arm with a playful smile. He expected Kaidou was going to pull back, but he didn't. If anything, he pulled him even closer.

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