7. Late Night Catch Up

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What the hell did "oh my god" mean as a response to getting an ab pic? Was it seriously just a reaction to the bruise, or to the photo itself?

Neither had said anything else, probably both recovering from shock. Kaidou wouldn't think he's weird for sending something like that anyways. They've seen each other shirtless and they were best friends.

But maybe he wasn't even looking at it the way Aren secretly wished he was. Kaidou probably was just a little shocked of how bad it looked. And it really did seem that way when they got to school and Kaidou wished him better. Giving him not even a blush or any other noticeable reaction.

Well that was it then. Nothing more to what he had sent and how it had been perceived. Part of Kuboyasu could now relax and sink into his chair.

He then realised, that during the days training for the baseball game, he really had missed a lot of work. That, and he hadn't payed any attention when he was there. He glanced at Shun who was scribbling something down in his book. The page was covered in words, and a couple drawings Kuboyasu had already put on there. He was surprised Kaidou just let the drawings wonder around the page, simply just writing around them. It probably disturbed his notes, yet he still kept the little drawings and never told Kuboyasu to stop.

"Shun," Kuboyasu whispered leaning in closer to him. Kaidou finished writing something before looking up at him. "I've got no clue what's going on right now. Could you help me catch up with some of it tonight?" The pencil swung between his fingers.
"Uh, maybe? I've got to look after Toki tonight though. And if you came around my mum would just see that as a distraction or something." Kaidou rolled his eyes, then quickly glanced at the board and wrote something down.
Kuboyasu sighed, "Could I just call you then? And you just send me photos of your notes and stuff." Kaidou looked up at him and shrugged.
"If that's the best we can do." He turned back to his page and flipped it over onto a brand new page.

Something in Kuboyasu felt uneasy, almost jittery. Kaidou seemed less responsive today than usual. He hadn't brought up the dark reunion or any of his little interests. He was hardly enthusiastic even right now. But for some reason Kuboyasu was more eager to talk than usual. Perhaps if he did even less in class, he could talk to Kaidou more tonight.

"You know," Kuboyasu rested his cheek on his fist, watching Kaidou's hand create words on the page. "You're always saying how the Jet Black Wings has some kind of mission. You know, you're always super busy, yeah? But you always make time for me." The pen stopped for a moment, the nib twitching as if waiting to touch the paper.

Kaidou faced him completely. Kuboyasu could now see the pink spread on his cheeks. "I'm just helping you with your homework since you're the one not paying attention!" He quickly glanced at the board and then pointed at Kuboyasu's miserably blank book. "Anyway, you say that like I'm just abandoning my responsibility to hang out."
"But most of your free time after doing those heroic duties are spent with me." Kuboyasu picked up his pencil and began drawing something on Shun's page. He had to do it before it was full, you see.

The pen in Kaidou's hand fell to the page, "Ugh! What are you trying to say, Aren! You aren't making fun of me are you?" The little crease between his eyebrows made Kuboyasu laugh. What was he saying right now? Sure it sounded like teasing, but it didn't feel like it. Or at least not with bad intentions.

He didn't lift his eyes from the picture he was drawing. A cat. The one he often saw sitting outside his house with a knick in its ear and a scruffy coat. "Guess I'm saying I'm real grateful for you, Shun. And you're real kind and super loyal. Hell, I don't think I've ever met someone as accepting as you. You're real fucking special." Aren looked up to catch Kaidou's eye. He was smiling, a real genuine smile. Unlike his Jet Black Wings smile that he used to cover up his real emotions.
"Thank you, Aren." He looked back down at the page, glancing at the cat sitting there. "But there's a lot more I could say about you." He then moved his pen, drawing a small cat next to his.

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