5. Movie Magic!

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Kuboyasu rocked up to school at his usual time the next day, except he was much sleepier than usual. Due to the fact he literally couldn't fall asleep thinking about what had happened, and what was to come. Part of it was just genuine fear and anxiety, but part of him was actually really excited.

He couldn't let himself get too carried away though. This was a one time thing, all just so Kaidou could get his first kiss. Then it would go back to normal and Kaidou would kiss other people. That's how it should be. But that wasn't going to stop Kuboyasu from trying his hardest to make this date the best date Shun would ever go on, with the hottest man he'd ever seen. He was still allowed to encourage Shun to fall for him.

It was another full day of baseball. Hairo told him off a couple times for not focusing enough. Which was entirely true, he was thinking about date ideas. Yeah he'd thought of a couple and probably had them written somewhere in a sketchbook (or drawn for God's sake). But thinking of something to fit this exact predicament was tricky. Like kissing in a cafe is a bit inconvenient, you know? And nothing physically because there was no way in hell Kaidou would enjoy anything like that.

But Kuboyasu always seemed to gravitate toward more 'traditional' dates and romantic things. After lots of thinking, he was pretty sure he'd settled on the best option. He texted Shun, and they agreed on 8:30pm for the date.

Exactly the time that Kuboyasu sat waiting outside Kaidou's house. In a car. Not like he had a license, but that wasn't a big deal. Aren and his dad had seen it left in the street decided to and fix it up, a while back. It'd been fixed to the point it could run safely and didn't smell like weed and tobacco anymore, but nothing much past that. And this is what he was going to take on his date with Shun tonight. It wasn't all that stunning, but it was good enough.

He did what he could in preparation, putting in an air freshener that dangled with his little Jiji keychain. Cleaned the inside and the outside, and then chucked in some blankets and other necessities. Turns out that all of that was unnecessary, and he could have shown up with a metal box with an engine, and Kaidou would have been impressed.

"Aren! Why the hell do you have a car? How do you even have it? Wait how long have you had it for?" He exclaimed, taking slow steps toward the vehicle. It was as if he'd never seen a car in his life. Kuboyasu just laughed as he twirled the keys around his finger. He explained to him the general story of how he'd gotten the car, leaving out that it was practically stolen. And fixed up with other stolen stuff. Maybe he'd tell him another time, but not on their date.

Kaidou fastened his seatbelt and as he did, he must have noticed the cat dangling from the mirror. He gasped and reached out, clasping Jiji in his hands. "You've watched this movie?"
Kuboyasu nodded, putting the key in and starting up the car. "I've actually watched a couple ghibli movies." Lord he sounded nervous.
The cat dangled back after it was released. "I didn't think you liked those types of movies. I would have watched some with you." He grumbled.

If he'd have known that Kaidou liked ghibli movies too, then he absolutely would have watched some with him! But surely he watched action movies and such? Maybe they both weren't as tough as they tried to appear.

Kuboyasu tapped on the wheel, "I'll make sure we do that." He glanced at Kaidou, he looked pleased. Kuboyasu smiled to himself, "It's lucky that we're going to watch a movie now." Kaidou quickly perked up, his eyes wide. "Not a ghibli movie though! It's one of those really typical murder mystery ones, thought it'd be a bit fun. And it's one of those drive in ones." 

"Aren! That's like, literally the best thing you could have picked!" At least it was appreciated. Actually, the enthusiasm made his hands lose proper grip on the wheel from the sweat.
"Tch, don't say that right now. The movie might be shit."
Kaidou laughed, "Any mystery is worthy of being solved by the Jet Black Wings!"
Kuboyasu smiled, taking a quick glance at him. His heart ached the longer he looked. "As long as it's worthy of the Jet Black Wings, that's all that matters to me."

I'll kiss you better <3 (Kubokai)Where stories live. Discover now