3. Nendou's causing some issues

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The walk home was nerve wracking. Kuboyasu couldn't stop his heart from pounding or the heat to disappear from his cheeks. It wasn't even the thought of kissing, it was the whole lead up to it that was really scaring him. Sure he could just not go through with it, but he wasn't that kind of man. Once he agreed to something, he carried out his promise.

He came to the conclusion that he was just going to do it tonight. Otherwise he wouldn't get a chance tomorrow because of the training. And he'd probably be shitting himself so badly that he wouldn't perform all that well. In the baseball training or the kissing. The only option was to just get it over with tonight. Only because of Saiki's request of course. Not for himself.

That meant that the only thing left he was counting on, was that Kaidou would agree to it. If he didn't, the only other option would be to set him up with someone else. There was no point trying to tell him he didn't need to kiss anyone, since he was comparing himself to Nendou. As long as Nendou was in a relationship, Kaidou was going to be jealous and overwhelmingly annoying. Which would probably be quite a while. And Kuboyasu didn't want to hear him whine about needing to be kissed.

Kuboyasu had texted Kaidou and was now getting ready to leave. He looked over himself in the mirror, scanning his outfit. He wanted Shun to think he looked cool and hot, but why the hell was it so damn difficult? What did hot non-delinquent guys even wear? Because it sure as shit wasn't this. He was wearing a coat. A fucking coat from god knows where. If he wanted to know what hot looked like, maybe he'd have to start watching those thirst traps Aiura was always trying to show him.

In the end he kept the coat, put on some long pants and some boots. Maybe he looked like a 25 year old music teacher, or maybe he looked like a cute guy in a bookstore. Who knew at this point.

Kuboyasu met Kaidou outside the front of the park. They occasionally did this, sometimes just walked around and found some hidden restaurant while eyeing the gacha machines to see if there was anything new. Kaidou had shown up in a long dark sweater with some odd print on it. Either way, it was similar to what he usually wore, which was something dark and edgy.

A street light beamed onto Kaidou's face, illuminating his smile in. He waved as he begun to walk over. "Aren, this isn't some ultra important meeting about the dark reunion is it?"
Kuboyasu laughed once they were fully facing each other. "No! No it's not some meeting! I just wanted to hang out with you since I didn't see you at all today!" While it wasn't entirely untrue, he tried to keep the main reason out of his mind as to not ruin his ultra cool demeanour. Couldn't be a hot boyfriend then splutter on all flustered about how he just needed to kiss him.

"Ah, good." Kaidou sighed. They walked side by side, hands swinging dangerously close together. "Although I have to be alert at all times, I feel as though a meeting right now would be quite inconvenient." Kaidou looked off somewhere with that usual smirk.
"Hm? So you'd rather just be hanging out with me then?" Kuboyasu smiled, trying to get a peak of his face.
Kaidou faced him again, looking at Aren like he was an idiot. "Yeah, I would! You already know I like to be around you, Aren. It's not some crazy idea." While he was trying to make it seem like what he was saying wasn't a big deal, the blush in his face was very noticeable. He turned away as they stepped inside of the convenience store.

The blinding lights didn't help Kuboyasu's already blurry vision. And probably didn't help hide the fact he was blushing. Kaidou was too busy already running through the aisles to even take notice. But what he'd said... With direct eye contact too? Shit, it actually made his heart flutter.

No, it wasn't a revolutionary construct. Shun had made it obvious that they were best friends for a reason. But sometimes his bluntness and vulnerability in his emotions caught him off guard. Especially since it wasn't a talent that he himself possessed.

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