6. Big bruise, Big muscles

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It was the first day back that Kuboyasu was actually in class as he'd spent the last two days practicing for the baseball game on Sunday. It really was quite inconvenient, but Kuboyasu didn't mind missing out on some schoolwork. Until, you know, he actually had to do it.

He'd walked into the classroom, and was immediately greeted with Nendou pointing at him and laughing, "Transfer student's back! Ha! Bet you're happy about that Chibi!" He then turned and elbowed Kaidou quite rough, but he already looked quite annoyed.

He was curious about how Kaidou was especially without him. Anything about Kaidou intrigued him to be honest. "Huh?" Kuboyasu walked over and leaned a hand on the desk. "What's this about?"
Nendou laughed harder, somehow rocking Kaidou with each movement. "Chibi didn't talk at all when you weren't here!" Nendou slapped him on the back.

Kaidou rolled his eyes, giving the ogre a shove, which left him unaffected. "That's not true! It's because you don't ever shut up!" He crossed his arms and sighed. But Nendou obviously wasn't done, so they continued to argue over something petty. Kuboyasu laughed, finding it amusing when those two bickered.

He sat down in the chair next to Kaidou's but he seemed to take no notice. He was too focused fighting with Nendou, which seemed quite pointless. It was almost a blessing that Kaidou was so distracted, he didn't really want to talk about what had happened over the past two days.

Being back in the classroom with everyone around them really brought Kuboyasu back into perspective. It wasn't just a world with him and Shun, where they could go out every night and make out. And he could spoil him on dates and buy him whatever he wanted. What a dumbass he'd been, so full of himself. Kaidou had gotten what he'd wanted and now everything had gone back to normal. And now he just had to live with the memories.


During lunch break, Kuboyasu and Kaidou decided to take a quick walk outside away from everyone else. Sure there were a couple people here and there, but no one as loud and annoying as Nendou.

"Ah," Kuboyasu stretched his arms over his head. "You know, it's weird being back with everyone."
"You were only gone for two days. You were still on school grounds too." Kaidou gave him one of those annoyed looks.
"Yeah but, I don't know. It's uh, different now, isn't it?" He tried to keep his voice calm and make it sound casual but he wasn't sure if it really worked.

Kaidou squirmed a little shaking his head. "You don't need to make it some thing! No one needs to know that I asked you to teach me to kiss." He squealed out before glancing away, no doubt to hide his red face. Was he seriously embarrassed about it? Kuboyasu could understand why, but that didn't stop it from hurting.

He stopped walking then to face Shun who was now up against the wall. "You still want to do it though, yeah?" He shoved his hands into his pockets and leant over slightly.
Kaidou's face had gone even more red, "Don't ask those kinds of things! Not here at school!" He swiped a hand making Kuboyasu lean back away from it.

"Eh?" Kuboyasu put a foot closer to Shun carefully. "You've seen all those couples making out in the hallways though! Kissing is crazy normal here at school!" Kaidou met his eyes with a nervous glance.
"And we're the ones that laugh at them!" He threw his hands out in front of him. "I am not kissing someone at school, that's unbelievably embarrassing." Kaidou then shook his head as he folded his arms.

So much for Aren trying to make a move. But he did agree, kissing at school was gross and embarrassing for everyone. And if anything, it should be an intimate moment shared between two people. Not the entire school.

Kuboyasu laughed, "Ah, you're right." He turned his body from the wall back to the pathway. "Having the whole school see you doing that stuff makes it kind of less special anyway." Which was probably why this whole thing with Shun was so much better. Not even any of their friends knew about it. Unless of course Kaidou had told them, but he doubted he had.

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