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Keen eyed readers will have noticed that this book is not my own work as on the cover it says it's been submitted by me. Some readers are probably wondering why this is..... so let me explain.

This book "Raspberries & Cream for Three" and its sequel "Kisses Of Fire" were originally published on Wattpad in 2018/19 by my partner Luke, under the name of Positively Orgasmic. He was ably abetted by my twin brother, Theydon, under the disguise of TwinTasticBoy, and between them they managed to put together these brilliant books.

When we all fell out of love with Wattpad, over some silly shenanigans regarding adverts popping up during chapters in our books, we all threw a hissy fit and pulled the plug and unpublished our books.

Now that I am republishing all of my books, some readers have been contacting me enquiring whether Luke was considering republishing his books. The answer had always been an emphatic no as they both didn't want to engage with readers once again over issues the story raised. It was also due to some serious studying commitments that both Luke and I are having to apply ourselves to.

They are still of the same opinion, however, both of them have now kindly given me permission to publish both books on their behalf and it's my intention to publish one or two chapters every week.

I will correct any grammar errors and although T has produced a new cover for "Raspberries & Cream for Three" the main storyline will largely remain the same. There is some additional material in Chapter 27 with a new Chapter 28 and 29 that Luke had already written but not previously published at the time for personal reasons. He and T have just updated those chapters for inclusion this time.

Any credit or plaudits for these books is definitely theirs and theirs alone as I'm just the means to have them published again.

Their original introduction is as follows:-

Introduction Updated 2021 - Prologue - Waffle.

The initial concept for this book is all down to someone for simply inquiring whether I was writing anything. I wasn't at the time .... but they sowed the seed.

Actually, dear reader(s), the whole truth and nothing but the truth is that it is all the fault of @MossfordGreen that this book ever got written. He watered and nurtured the idea until it grew strong enough to be written. Without his encouragement I would not be the nervous wreck that I am.

I was fortunate (un) to have my best gay friend (who wishes to remain anonymous in case the story bombs out but I shall ignore that and name him anyway as @TwinTasticBoy) who offered help, encouragement, inspiration, and a shoulder to laugh on. His main contribution being the inside information he has on twin behaviour and culture and for organising all the artwork. Despite him sometimes being a right pain in the backside it looks like we may have actually achieved something. Only you, dear reader(s), can be the judge of that.

My thanks to my bestest straight friend, and his girlfriend, for keeping in check my language and my sanity, and generally making sure that this literary piece of 100% fiction merged with 100% of non-fiction did make some modicum of sense and for saying it didn't bore the pants off them. The character of Eric Dawson is my tribute to him.

I make no excuses. The events, characters and dates depicted in this book have been changed because I fancied to do so. I wanted to protect the guilty and not to protect the innocent. Any similarity or resemblance to anyone alive or dead might be totally and utterly intended but more than likely is simply just coincidental. Your guess is as good as mine 🙉🙈🙊.

This book does contain some coarse language and should not be read by anyone easily offended 🙀. I feel obligated to post this warning because I get offended 😤 by people who get offended 😱 for no apparent reason 😡.

I am hoping this book will have it all. Love😻 .... Sex 👨‍❤️‍👨... and Rock & Roll 🎼🎸🥁. It won't. In truth this book is about love 💖 and devotion. It's a scintillating storyline that captivates one's emotions and a turn of phrase that stimulates the follicles of one's brain.

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ This book is written in British English and not American English. Some words and spellings do differ. I will be happy to translate or offer an explanation on request. Google or other internet sites are usually a good source to find out simple definitions or synonyms for a word.

This is, allegedly, a very serious book although I found it impossible to prevent mine or my co-authors attempt at humour 🤣😂 from creeping in from time to time..... Okay you may end up being a little bit shocked 😲 after reading Chapter One and Chapter Two but the underlying theme of this book is Love Conquers All and highlights the devotion between siblings that, believe it or not, does exist out there.

Please note that any suggestion of incestuous behaviour is, regrettably, strongly denied and so is the inference that two's company and three's more fun. It's really not that sort of book.

This is a BoyxBoy book that refers to homosexuality and is primarily about gay relationships. I'm told it's best to advise readers before they read on and get too disturbed.

Feel free to comment if you wish. You can ask questions and I promise not to bite back too hard.

I will be positively delighted if you do appreciate our efforts and approve of our literary handiwork by voting for each chapter and saying wonderful complimentary things as it will boost my already shot to pieces confidence, inflate my ego, and will notify other readers that this may be a book worth reading.

Simply read anonymously if that is your thing but I sincerely hope you will recommend it to others.

However, my dearest WattPaders, most of all I simply wish that you enjoy the fruits of my labour.

Yours very affectionately, 💋💋 Plus with oodles of virtual hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗Luke ❤️😘

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Yours very affectionately, 💋💋
Plus with oodles of virtual hugs
Luke ❤️😘

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