Part 6

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Zero POV

Los Angeles, California
May 18th
Thursday, 11:20 A.M.

I started respraying my perfume and packing my purse up and got my stuff.

"Jay im leaving. After i come from eating im getting my hair done." I said.

"Aight. Send me pictures when your hair finished." Jay said coming over to me.

"Okay baby. I love you." I said kissing him.

"I love you." He said. He unlocked and opened the door for me and i left out.

I went down to the lobby and Ari FaceTimed me.

"Hello?" I said when the call connected.

"Friend you coming to get me?" Ari asked.

"And when did you tell me to come get you? Now i gotta make a stop." I said leaving out the lobby walking over to the parking lot.

"Bitch first of all I found out about the plans last minute." She said.

"Ari I know you got a damn car girl." I said unlocking the car door when I got close and jumping inside.

"You gone come get me or not? I'm waiting in the lobby." She said.

"Of your building?" I said.

"Yes. Come get me come get me. Mario calling me. Just come get me." She said and quickly hung up.

I locked my car doors and turned on the car and connected my phone playing Diced Pineapples by Rick Ross ft Wale & Drake.

"Call me crazy, shit at least you calling." I sung as i started driving out of the parking lot.

I followed Ari's location and went to her building and picked her up. As I was waiting on her to come out Yana texted me.

yana🩷: we still meeting at the same place?
yana🩷: i texted mylana she not texting me back she being a asshole

zero🤍: yea we're still meeting at the same place

yana🩷: but y is mylana being a dickhead rn?

zero🤍: mylana is probably smoking and not texting anyone back dont think about it too hard

I started driving over to the restaurant and right as we were getting close Mylana texted me.

"Unlock my phone and respond." I said to Ari and she picked up my phone and read the message out loud to me.

mylana🫧: im here where tf yall at
mylana🫧: if only yana in there im not going

zero❤️: 😂😂im around the corner

When we pulled up I texted Yana and told her we were outside and save some seats. I parked and we met Mylana at the front and all said hi and exchanged hugs.

"And don't say shit to Yana about going to the club. I am not in the mood. I already told you about the shit I'm addressing." Mylana said.

"Alright hold on. Before we go in. Because i wanna address this." I said stopping them both.

"What?" Ari said.

"So here's my take right? It sorta feels like we are bullying Yana. Like we're excluding her and it dont feel right." I said looking at them both and Mylana just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Be honest with yourself Zero. Yana is a weird ass bitch. And she been saying weird subliminal shit for the longest." Mylana said.

"That may be true but why wait till now to bring up all the shit she's done that you don't like? Because now it comes off as if you're just attacking her. And if me and Ari sitting there not saying anything it's like we agree and if you start telling her all that she's gonna think "if they're not defending me they're against me" and im not against her. I just want you to say how you feel." I explained.

"Then imma make it clear that yall not picking a side. Because i need to say what i need to say." She said swinging open the door and Ari laughed.

We followed behind Mylana once she saw Yana and we went over to the table. We all hugged Yana and sat down. I sat down across from Ari sitting next to Yana and Mylana sat across from Yana.

"Alright. Let's order and then chop it up." I said picking up my menu.

"I gotta finish telling you about Winnie. Winnie had threw me off yesterday." Yana said to me.

"What he do?" I said.

"He gone ask me for $5." She said.

"...and...." I said.

"What is a nigga doing asking me for any damn money? Shouldn't you have that? Where is your shame?" She said.

"Bitch you dont have no shame asking Winnie for thousands of dollars. You can't send him $5 when he need it?" I said laughing.

"If im asking you for thousands of dollars and you got it, why the fuck don't you have $5?" She said rolling her eyes.

"So what did you say?" I asked.

"I texted him back and said no and he got an attitude and started an argument like "you ask me for hella money and I give it to you" nigga I don't give a FUCK. I told him when we first started talking if you don't have that money this aint gone work." She said shaking her head.

"What did he even need $5 for?" I asked.

"Some woods and papers. He didnt say he necessarily needed it." She said shrugging.

"Friend he was probably just testing you. If you giving somebody all this damn money and they cant even give you $5 for some woods and papers when you need what the fuck is they sending you mad money for?" I said.

"Bitch. You ask Polo for money all the damn time and he don't complain." She said.

"That is soooo different Yana. Taurus is my brother, he's not my damn boyfriend or sugar daddy. He don't expect me to pay him back, he don't do it so he can get something in return. But if Taurus ever asked me for $5 for some woods and papers, imma scrape up some money and make it happen. Because he always makes or happen for me. You ain't shit Yana." I said shaking my head making her laugh.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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