Chapter I: The Castle

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After what seemed to be Mono's death, he gained consciousness and noticed he was in a giant black sea called "Schwarzmeer" Mono tried to swim, but due to anxiety, he fainted again.
After a while, Mono heard a voice calling his name in the background. He tried to open his eyes but was blinded by the strong sun. However, he could still see who was calling him, it was a blonde kid. Suddenly, he felt a strong nausea and vomited.
«Finally awake, you got me in the first part, I thought you were dead» said the kid, laughing. Mono was still vomiting. After he stopped, the kid helped him get up.
Suddenly, the kid asked Mono a question, but he didn't reply.
«I asked you a question, answer me» said the kid, a bit triggered by Mono's attitude. The kid sighed, and a bell rang. Some of the birds on a tree fled, and people ran to a castle where the bell was ringing. The kid dragged Mono to the castle with him. As they got near, Mono noticed many guards were armed, ensuring that no one exited.
After they got in, they sat down on a floor made of mud and hay. The guards closed the giant door, and everyone waited anxiously.
Suddenly, the guards on a staircase started playing trumpets. The door at the top of the stairs opened, and from there, a fat man with a crown and a little girl with strawberry blonde hair and a crown walked out. Everyone put their heads in the mud, bowing and praising them. Mono was confused and didn't praise or bow like the others.
«Bow! Praise him! He's the king, Robert Van Beethoven, and she's his daughter, Veronique Van Beethoven» said the kid. Meanwhile, the king was talking about how the castle hired scientists and tests were happening. From all the people, the king chose Mono, suddenly, Mono argued with the kid, but they were stopped by guards who grabbed Mono.
«For today, that is all. Everyone, go and work, you stupid mules!»
Everyone got up and walked away. The kid was sweating, and Mono was trying to free himself. The guards dragged Mono by his arms. As the doors slowly closed, he saw the blonde kid still there. They walked inside to the deepest location of the castle.
They chained Mono and injected something with a syringe which was already used. Mono was scared to death by the syringe, he tried to fight back but a guard knocked him out with a mace.

To be continued

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