Chapter VIII: The Three Traitors

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«How the-?! How did you heal it?!» asked Polpetta, surprised and confused. Veronique looked at him and said, «Well, it's a power that I have. My saliva heals wounds, no matter what type. Apart from being the princess, I am the royal healer too! It's thanks to this pendant, called the "Pendant of Vorce". I'm not sure why it's called like that, but I'm grateful to have it. It was my mother's gift bef-»
Suddenly, behind Veronique, the king stood and said, «Oh, my daughter. My special daughter. It's been all day since I was searching for you. They're your friends?... Those traitors are you friends? Those poor people, those who betrayed us! You're helping them?! I shall now consider you as a traitor... Unless...» Veronique was shocked and scared of him. Then the king gave her a dagger and continued, «You lost my respect. If you want to gain it again, kill them. Use this dagger and color it, make it red, obviously with their blood. Veronique! Look at me when I'm talking to you!»
Veronique started trembling, holding the dagger. Suddenly, she turned back and stabbed the king in the stomach, but she failed. The knife bounced off the king's stomach. Veronique smiled awkwardly as the king looked upon her with a trait of madness.
«Shall it be, Veronique! Guards, kill those three traitors! I want to see their bodies, and I don't care how you kill them!» shouted the king as he walked away inside the castle. Suddenly, guards appeared and surrounded them, everything became dark for a second, those guards gasped and fell to the ground lifeless. The kids were shocked and confused. It was the kid made of shadows who killed them in an unknown way...

To be continued...

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