Chapter IX: Rock, Paper, scissors!

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«YoU kIlLeD mY fAtHeR... I sHoUlD kIlL yOu ToO, bUt I dEcIdEd To HeLp... EvEn ToUgH I hAtE YoU aLl...» said the shadow kid with a corrupted voice, as he then disappeared. Suddenly, another guard shouted, «Fire!», and thousands of arrows started falling down from the sky towards the kids! They started running away, and after they were distant enough from the castle, they found a coat lying on the ground, an obvious trap. Someone must walk on it, so they decided to play Rock, Paper, and Scissors... Whoever loses will walk on that obvious trap, and the one who lost was... Polpetta!
«What?! No, I can't lose! The one who lost is... Him!» said Polpetta, suddenly sweating, then pushing Mono, who tripped on the coat. It was indeed a trap. Mono started sliding down a dark tunnel. Up there, Veronique was angry at Polpetta, who said: «Hey, chill! At least we know that it was a trap» Mono continued to slide down. In those moments, he felt betrayed again and shed some tears. After a while, he arrived and fell. He got up, and suddenly, he heard a clock ticking. Mono couldn't see anything due to the room being very dark. Suddenly, a figure from the shadows snapped his fingers. Around Mono, scarlet torches lit up, revealing the figure. It was a tall living being with a clock for a head. He was wearing elegant things along with a black (out) and red (in) cape.
«Hello, human. It's been a very long time since I saw any living being. I'm Timed, master of this tro- oh... Well, I was the master of this troupe, along with my brother Grimm. He disappeared many years ago. We used to do lots of shows together. All I have left is this big stage and him... My best friend. His name is Willow. I'll present him to you later on. Oh! Excuse my manners. What is a child doing here, all lost and alone?» said Timed as he made gestures with his hands. Mono was sweating and didn't answer him...

To be continued...

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