Capitolo IV: The Hallway

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«WHAT?! THEY WERE REAL?!» shouted Polpetta, who continued, «Well, they may be real, but I can't believe that this is wine!»
Suddenly, he got an idea. He grabbed Mono's head and held it under the wine. Trying to grasp air, Mono accidentally drank the wine, as Polpetta then let his head go. Suddenly, Mono started to smile awkwardly before falling asleep.
«I guess it was real» said Polpetta, trying to wake up Mono. Suddenly, the door opened again as a mouse came in, escaping something. The mouse jumped on Mono’s back, who was lying down. Suddenly, the sound of breaking glass broke out as a cat ran in. Mono rubbed his eyes, yawned, and as he was lifting his head up, the cat suddenly jumped towards Mono, scratching him. As Veronique tried to help Mono, Polpetta panicked. He walked to Mono, picked up the cat, and threw it in the wine. Veronique then instantaneously shouted, «No, the cat!» and jumped in the wine to save it.
«She's distracted, this is our chance! Let's go, it's now or never!» said Polpetta in a low tone so that she couldn't hear them. Mono nodded, got up despite his face bleeding from the cat, not caring much about it. They opened the door and saw that they were in a giant hallway full of doors.
«Oh, come on! We'll never get to leave! Do we have to open every single door?... Welp, I'll go for the left, you'll go for the right, got it?»
Mono nodded and walked away. Polpetta opened every single door on the left, while Mono decided to walk to the end of the hallway. When he finally got there, he found a door with a sign reading:
“Royal Family Access Only: Beware of the Collector. Leave Valuables Behind. Navigate the Maze with Caution.”
Mono then shouted, «Oi!» to call for Polpetta's attention.
«There's nothing we can do... Uh? What's wrong? Found something? You better not be joking... Mh?... A maze?... Welp, I guess it's the only way then. Good job, pal, let's go!» said Polpetta as they walked through the door. Mono smiled, happy to help. Suddenly, they were blinded by the sunlight, and as they walked forward, a giant maze appeared in front of them!!

To be continued

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