Chapter XII: Lots of Cigarettes

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Timed coughed several times to catch Mono's attention. Mono looked at him, and Timed said: «Your friends are waiting for you. I bet you don't want the king to kill them, do you?» Mono nodded and hurried to catch up with Polpetta and Veronique. As they walked, Polpetta asked: «What were you doing in the dark, crazy watchmaker?»
Timed remained silent for a moment and then, with a disturbed tone, replied, «You meant Timed? Oh well... I guess this time I will ignore your silly little insult. I decided to answer your question with a story, my story... It all started when my brother, Grimm, and I brought our circus here for a great show. No, the best show! Everything was set up, and everyone was ready, but Grimm was missing. The show was over, and he started talking about nightmares, a heart, and random things without giving me any explanation, then he left but didn't want me to come with him. I stayed here waiting for him, for I don't remember how long, but he never came back... At least I still have Willow to keep me company.»
As Timed recounted his story, the princess listened with amusement. Meanwhile, in the king's throne room, a guard approached him and sai: «Your majesty, we have news. The traitors fell into the brother Grimm and Timed's old circus.» The king laughed but then turned serious. While drinking a glass of wine, he said: «They're already dead then. Those brothers are crazy. No one survived their shows, and God may break this glass of wine if they're alive!» As the king finished talking, he put down the glass, which fell on the floor and shattered into pieces. Everyone gasped, but the king thought it was a coincidence. He smirked and ordered some female slaves to shave off his beard and others to clean the mess on the floor.
Meanwhile, the Scarlet Paladins kept walking. Polpetta noticed that Timed was carrying a lantern with a big sack. Driven by curiosity, he asked, «Oi, what's inside that giant sack?» Timed looked at Polpetta and replied, «This sack is full of cigarettes, over 45 packs. I'm taking them with us just in case we find my brother. I forgot to tell you, but my brother smokes a lot, even 40 cigarettes at a time! Of course, he smoked 40 of them if he had enough fire to light them...»

To be continued...

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