Chapter XIII: Tricky Floor

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As they kept walking, everyone grew more tired, except Timed. Suddenly, Polpetta sat on the floor and said, «I give up. I'm too tired of walking.» They stopped, but Polpetta kept slowly sliding backward. Polpetta was confused and asked: «Why am I going back? Is this a prank? Ahaha, really funny.» The others looked at Polpetta confused until they noticed that they were slowly sliding back as well. Timed then said: «Oh, I forgot about it. My bad, I forgot that this floor was a treadmill…»
Veronique looked at Timed, then took a deep breath before shouting angrily: «WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD US BEFORE?! IT'S BEEN 30 MINUTES! 30 MINUTES OF MY LIFE THAT WE WERE WALKING ON A TREADMILL BECAUSE YOU FORGOT?! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!» Veronique tried to punch Timed, but he blocked her while saying: «Stop being angry, cheap Rapunzel. I'll go wake up my friend. It's going to help us get to my dear friend in the fastest way possible!»
When they stopped and arrived back at the stage, Timed started wandering around, calling: «Willow, come here. Where are you?» Polpetta sat on a rock that was covered with a red cape. Suddenly, it started moving, Veronique was still arguing with Timed while Mono noticed the situation and tried to warn the others, but they didn't listen. They kept arguing, suddenly, from under the cape, a long-necked creature appeared, carrying Polpetta away. When Timed finally noticed, he ran towards it.
«Willow! Here you are! Paladins, I present to you my creature, Willow…!» Said Timed, meanwhile, Willow made Polpetta fall from his back. Timed continued, «This is the creature that my brother and I used to carry the entire stage and circus. His appearance may fool you, but Willow is very, very strong! He can carry over a ton of steel! Impressive, huh? Come on, Paladins, let's sit on his back. Don't worry, it’s not a problem for him. Here, eat these berries, Willow. They're your favorite, aren't they? Good boy.»
Everyone sat on Willow's back while Timed fed berries to Willow. Then Timed sat on its back and said: «Let's go! Our next location is the Fallen Castle, where one of my dear friends is!»

To be continued!

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