chapter 7-what a young girl should know

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I wake up every morning in this luxurious yet haunting mansion known as Edgar.i mean i liked it but at the same time I wanted to go home.

The sun peeks through the thick curtains, casting a golden glow over the room.

I can hear the sounds of the mansion coming to life, the clinking of cutlery, and muffled voices in the distance. Telling me It's another day trapped in this gilded cage.

I hear a soft knock on the door, and in walks the man who controls every aspect of my existence here - the ruthless Mafia boss, Edgar.

He's carrying a tray with breakfast, a forced smile plastered on his face.

"Good morning, Nora," Edgar's voice is smooth, but there's an underlying tone of authority that sends shivers down my spine.

"I've brought you breakfast. You must eat to keep up your strength."

I shake my head, my hunger dwarfed by the immense weight of despair that hanged heavy in the air. Edgar's smile fades, replaced by a look of cold fury.

"Nora, I will not ask again. Eat," his voice is firm, brooking no argument.

With a heavy heart, I pick at the food, each bite with a  bitter reminder of how I was brought here.

Tears escape my eyes, tracing a path down my cheeks as I choke down the food.

Edgar watches me with a mixture of scorn and pity, his eyes betraying a glimmer of something that almost resembles remorse,Almost.

After I finish, Edgar gestures to the bathroom, a silent command for me to take a shower. I nod silently, knowing that resistance is futile.

As I step under the warm water, I let the tears flow freely, the water mixing with the salt of my anguish.

I emerge feeling both physically and emotionally drained,all I wanted was to just go home to my old life .

On the bed lies a red dress, a stark contrast to the monochrome world I inhabit. I slip it on, the fabric clinging to my skin like a second skin.

"I expect you to be ready in an hour, Nora. We have guests tonight," Edgar's voice echoes through the room, a reminder of my place in this twisted world.

As I stand before the mirror, staring at my reflection, I see a glimmer of defiance in my eyes.

Despite everything, despite the darkness that surrounded me, a spark of hope flickered within me that maybe one day I will be far away from this place.

Until then, I'll hold onto that glimmer of hope, a beacon in the endless night, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there can be a flicker of light.

As I make my way down the grand staircase, the red dress was swirling around my legs revealing Abit of my skin making me feel uncomfortable,"I guess why he wanted me to wear it".

The guests gathered in the  ballroom turning to stare at me as I entered, their eyes appraising me like a piece of fine art on display.

I've never been to such a fancy party filled with rich people, and I feel like a fish out of water in this world of luxury and privilege.

Edgar stands at the foot of the stairs, his gaze lingering on me with possessiveness and pride.

He introduces me to his mafia colleagues, their faces impassive masks that betray nothing of their true intentions.

"Everyone, this is Nora," Edgar's voice is smooth, his grip on my arm firm. "Nora, these are my associates. Make yourself at home."

I nod politely, my heart hammering in my chest as the guests circle around me, their whispers like distant thunder in my ears.

They ask me questions, superficial inquiries about my background and upbringing, but their eyes hold a hunger that sends a chill down my spine.

"Are you married, Edgar?" one of the men asks, his gaze piercing through me like a dagger.

I felt the color drain from my face as I wait for Edgar's response.

"Yes, we are to be married soon," Edgar's words slice through the air like a blade, leaving me reeling in shock.

The room spins around me, my breath catching in my throat as the weight of his words settled over me like a suffocating blanket.

Married? The thought sends a wave of terror crashing over me, drowning out all rational thought.

I had always hoped that I could find a way to escape Edgar's clutches, but he had some sort of power over me which I couldn't get a grip onto.

But now, with the weight of his promise to marry me hanging heavy in the air, i was not planning to marry a mafia man,I mean I had friends who I didn't plan on forgetting and  whole life ahead of me .

"I haven't  reached the age of 20 and already I'm getting married,that's Soo..oo crazy"

As the party swirls around me,the laughter and music blending into a melody of sound, I realize that my fate may be sealed.

I am trapped in this web of deceit and danger, with no way out in sight.

The glimmer of hope that had sustained me flickers and fades, leaving me alone in the darkness of Edgar's world, a world from which there may be no escape from.

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