chapter 8-kiss me in heaven

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As the night wears on and the champagne flows freely, I find myself drinking more than I should, hoping to drown my fears and stress in the amber liquid.

"Can I have more shots of tequila over here please ,and make it 6"

The room spins around me, the guests' laughter and chatter blurring into a haze of sound and color.

I stumble and sway, my vision swimming as I try to navigate the people's faces around me.

The heavy scent of perfume and cologne fills the air, mingling with the heady aroma of alcohol and decadence.

Before I know it, the party was over, the guests drifting away like shadowy figures in the night.

"Nora you okay?",oh jeez I knew I shouldn't have left you alone ,sorry about that I just got carried away by the guests.

I am left alone with Edgar, his dark eyes watching me intently as he admires me from where he was sitting .

"E..d.gar...,I say mumbling very  softly .where's everyone ,what happened to the music".

"Come on lean on my shoulders and I'll take you upstairs"

"No!, what do think you're doing ,
don't you dare put your hands on me,I know what you doing,

you think this is the perfect opportunity for you to take advantage of me because I'm drunk".

I don't think so Mr,now back off".

And just like that my eyes were closed as he carried me up upstairs to my room.

The world spined around me as he guides me to the bed, his touch gentle yet possessive.

I collapse onto the soft mattress, the room spinning and tilting in circles at different angles making me dizzy.

As I drift in and out of consciousness, I catch glimpses of Edgar moving around the room, his figure was like a looming shadow in the darkness.

I feel his gaze on me, heavy and intense, as he watches over me like a silent guardian.

"Sweet dreams princess ",he mutters softly placing his hand on my head leaving a feeling of warmth on my skin.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I slightly open my eyes, the memories of the previous night flooding back to me in a dizzying rush.

The champagne, the party, the overwhelming sense of dread that had consumed me. And now, here I am, waking up in Edgar's room,

my head pounding with a hangover and a sense of foreboding that lingers like a dark cloud over me.

I sit up slowly, the room spinning around me as I try to gather my thoughts. Edgar is still asleep on the couch, his features softened in the morning light.

I watch him for a moment, the conflicting emotions running inside me like a storm.

"Good morning," his voice startles me, breaking the heavy silence that hangs between us. I turn to see him watching me, his dark eyes inscrutable.

"Morning," I mumble, my voice hoarse from sleep and too much champagne.

I can feel the weight of his gaze on me, heavy and intense, like a physical presence in the room.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks, his tone casual yet unusual  concern.

I nod, trying to push away the memories of the night before, of the fear and uncertainty that had caught me.

"I'm fine," I reply, forcing a smile that feels fake and brittle on my lips. "Thank you for taking care of me,It truly means alot to me."

Edgar's expression softens, a ghost of a smile flickering across his face. "It's the least I could do," he says, his voice surprisingly gentle.

"You looked like you needed someone to watch over you."

I lower my gaze, unable to meet his eyes. Despite everything, despite the walls I have built around my heart, I cannot deny the gratitude I feel towards him in this moment.

Silence stretches between us, thick and heavy with unspoken words and unsaid truths.

I Struggle to find the right words, to make sense of the tangled mess of emotions that swirl inside me like a whirlpool.

"I...I don't know what to say," I finally admit, my voice barely a whisper. "I never expected things to turn out this way, Edgar. I never wanted any of this."

Edgar's expression darkens, a shadow passing over his features. "I know," he says quietly, his voice tinged with regret. "

"I never wanted this but sometimes life has a way of taking us down paths we never intended to walk."

I meet his gaze, the weight of his words settling over me like a shroud. I see the conflict in his eyes, the turmoil that mirrors my own inner struggles.

And in that moment, I realize that we are not so different after all, that we are both prisoners of fate, bound together by forces beyond our control.

As the silence stretches between us, I feel a sense of resignation settling over me like a heavy cloak.

I know that I cannot escape the tangled web of emotions that bind me to Edgar, that I must confront the truth of my feelings and face the consequences of my choices.

And so, as I watch him watch me, a sense of newfound understanding blooms inside me.

Perhaps, just perhaps, there is a glimmer of hope in this darkness, a flicker of light that promises a way out of the shadows that have consumed us.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what is to come. I may not know where this path will lead, but I know that I must walk it with courage and conviction, for better or for worse.

And as I meet Edgar's gaze, the unspoken promise of a future yet unwritten hangs between us, a silent pact that binds us together in this fragile dance of fate and destiny.

a destiny that intrigued me to see things on a profound view ,things I never knew existed in me.

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