chapter 14-dying summers

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As we were enjoying our night at the café, the ambiance was just perfect and the conversation flowed effortlessly between Edgar and me.

I cherished every moment we spent together, with the unspoken connection that held us together.

At one point, Edgar excused himself from the table and knelt down beside me.

If you may excuse me Nora", he says standing up heading towards me.

At first I thought he was just being chivalrous, offering to tie the strap of my heel that had come loose. But as he reached for my shoe,

his fingers deftly tucking the strap back into place, I noticed a glint of light catching my eye.

When I looked down, my breath caught in my throat as he held a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a stunning diamond ring.

My heart skipped a beat as I stared in disbelief, the realization sinking in that this was the moment that was going to change everything.

"Nora," Edgar began, his voice soft but steady. "From the moment I met you, my life has been filled with more joy, more intensity, more love than I ever thought possible.

You are my partner in every sense of the word, my confidante, my best friend. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked into his earnest gaze, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

Without hesitation, I nodded, my voice barely a whisper as I managed to say, "Yes, Edgar. A thousand times, yes."

A smile spread across Edgar's face as he slipped the ring onto my finger, the weight of his words settling in as a tangible representation of our commitment to each other.

In that moment, surrounded by the warm glow of the poeple outside the café ,we looked into each other's eyes filled with love and sincerity and  I knew that this shared secret,

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In that moment, surrounded by the warm glow of the poeple outside the café ,we looked into each other's eyes filled with love and sincerity and  I knew that this shared secret,

this unspoken promise between us, would guide us through the twists and turns of life's journey.

And as I gazed into his eyes, filled with love and gratitude, I knew that no matter what secrets or shadows lay ahead, we would face them together, hand in hand,

hearts intertwined in a bond that transcended time and space. And with that realization,

our future together shone brightly before us, a promise of endless possibilities and unbreakable love.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Alex had been in a state of turmoil and sorrow ever since Nora had disappeared from his life.

He had searched high and low, calling out her name in the hopes of finding her and bringing her back to his side.

The loneliness and emptiness that filled his heart were unbearable, like a gaping wound that refused to heal.

Desperate for any clue or lead that could bring him closer to Nora, Alex stumbled upon Hazel, Nora's closest friend.

Hazel had been a silent witness to the unfolding drama between Alex and Nora, aware of the passion and love they shared.

She approached Alex with a somber expression, understanding the pain and longing that etched his features.

"Alex," Hazel began cautiously, her voice laced with empathy. "I know you are searching for Nora.

She... she left without a word, without a trace. I am worried about her too."
"I left her tons of messages but she didn't reply,it's weird because she's a person who normally answers within a second".

Alex's heart sank even further at the confirmation of Nora's absence, his mind racing with unanswered questions and fears.

"Please, Hazel," Alex implored, his voice quivering with emotion. "Do you know where she could be? I would give anything to find her, to talk to her, to make things right."

Hazel hesitated for a moment, her gaze filled with a mix of sadness and remorse.

"I really don't know where Nora is, Alex. But I can tell you that she is not a person who doesn't just disappear without letting me know,

So I think that maybe she was Uhm ki... kidnapped ".

"What?, kidnapped Alex says leaving him in a state of shock as he fell to the ground on his knees.

She needed time... time to figure things out, to find herself again."

Tears welled up in Alex's eyes as he processed Hazel's words, a newfound determination sparking within him. "I will find her, Hazel.

I will search every corner of the world if I have to. Nora is the love of my life, and I cannot imagine a future without her. Please,please help me find her."

With a sorrowful nod, Hazel agreed to aid Alex in his quest, knowing that the journey ahead would be filled with challenges and uncertainties.

Together, they set out to unravel the mystery of Nora's disappearance, determined to bring her back to the warmth and love she had left behind.

And as they embarked on this daunting path, a glimmer of hope flickered in Alex's heart, a beacon of light guiding him towards the reunion he longed for.

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