chapter 20-tender eternity

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As Nora arrived back at her dorm in the early hours of the morning, a sense of unease washed over her.

The familiar walls and the echoes of her past life as a university student suddenly felt foreign and distant,

as if she were stepping into a world that no longer belonged to her.

The air in the dormitory was heavy with the scent of sleep and study, the quiet hum of the building seeming to mock Nora's restless heart.

With each step she took down the empty hallway, a feeling of detachment settled within her, as if she were a stranger in her own life.

As she entered her room, the sight of her textbooks and notes scattered on the desk only served to deepen her sense of disconnection.

The life she had known, the routine of classes and lectures, now seemed like a distant memory,

a ghost of a past that no longer held any relevance to the woman she had become in the wake of Edgar's betrayal.

Sinking onto her bed, Nora closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh,

the weight of her decisions pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket.

She knew that her actions had  layed the course of her life, leading her down a path filled with uncertainty and loneliness.

As she curled up under the covers, the darkness of the room enveloping her like a cloak,

Nora couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at her insides.

The once-familiar sounds of her fellow students moving about in the dorm now felt like a foreign language, one that she no longer understood or belonged to.

In that moment, as she lay alone in the silence of the night, Nora made a silent vow to herself.

She would forge a new path, one that was hers and hers alone, free from the expectations and constraints of the life she had left behind.

And as the first light of dawn crept through the window, she closed her eyes and drifted into a fitful sleep,

the whispers of a new beginning beckoning her into the unknown.

The following morning, as Nora emerged from her dormitory, the weight of her decision still heavy on her shoulders,

she was startled to see Hazel waiting for her outside.

Hazel's bright eyes widened in surprise as she took in Nora's disheveled appearance,

a mix of concern and relief flashing across her face.

"Nora, I thought I had lost you," Hazel exclaimed, enveloping her friend in a tight hug.

"I've been so worried ever since that day you disappeared without a trace."

As they sat on a bench under the warm glow of the morning sun, Nora poured out her heart to Hazel,

recounting the events of the past few days with a mixture of pain and determination.

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