Chapter 6

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Geet called and ordered her clothes.

"So, do I have to stay here with you?" She asked.

"Yeah, do you need a separate room?"

"No, it's fine."

I was thinking about how much Geet had changed over these days. Her way of sitting and speaking had all changed. The first Geet was so sweet and cutipai and even the lady boss isn't bad, but who knows how she became the owner of a company in just four years.

"So, we have time. Maybe we should get to know each other. What will our story be, Geet?"

"You tell me."

"Do you remember the day in the washroom part. So, story will be that you asked me out and I said yes."

"Then we started talking on the phone. The end," Geet said, both of us lying on the bed, facing up. I exclaimed,

"Just on the phone? We didn't do anything?"

"What did.... we.... do?" Geet's voice softened.

"Just talking?" I said, pondering.

Geet cleared her throat and said, "Do add! whatever you want to."

"We should add 'we met' as well. I meant, what do you think?" I asked.

Geet said, "Give me your night suit."

I handed her my night suit, and as she wore my cute mango-printed yellow suit, she looked like the old Geet. I couldn't help but smile. Just then, her bag arrived, and she took out her glasses and put them on.

"My contact lenses fell off."

"You look cute anyway," I said lovingly, looking at her.

"Don't try to make my mood off."

"Ohh," I replied in surprise and laid back on the bed.

Geet lay down next to me and said, "We met occasionally; you used to come quietly to meet me."

"Great story, Geet. Can I ask you something about your girlfriend?"

"Sure, go ahead."

Geet took her phone and put in her password, showing me a photo of her girlfriend. She looked somewhat like me, and for some reason, it felt like she still... no, no, don't think about it.

"How's the photo?" she asked.

"It's good, your girlfriend is very ....m, but you weren't going to get married."

"We will, just if you didn't stir up trouble, maybe we would have already."

"What will you say if her phone rings?"

"I've told her I'm busy with something outside and not to disturb me."

"Good move!"

"Why did you tell the truth to your family about not liking Ranjeet?"

"Do you know why my dad is so modern? It's because there are many gay and queer investors around him, and several gay couples from Canada are investors in his company. So, my dad had to become open-minded too, because money is a precious thing."

"Payal, hmm, let's go to sleep. It's been a really sad talk."

Geet's eyes began to close, as if she was very tired. "Geet, take off your glasses."


Geet fell asleep without taking off her glasses, so I took them off and covered her with a blanket before I went to sleep too. When I woke up the next morning, Geet was already up, her glasses and contact lenses were on the side table, as I could see from the boxes lying there. There was a huge garden in the palace, and Geet was jogging in it, with Chipsy dancing around her. Ranjeet was also trying to keep up with Geet, but it seemed like he was struggling to catch up. Geet sat down to do some yoga for relaxation, playing some music in her headphones and meditating.

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