Chapter 11

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I said something weird as hell; I shouldn't spill things like this.

"Geet, can we stop talking about KISS?"

"Are we? You're talking about K.I.S.S."

After hearing something like this, I think my face is just red, and I know that I'm a very shy person when I talk about love and kissing. She is so calm, and I hate this situation so much. It's really hard, I can't breathe. She's not as hot as Lady Gaga, but why do I feel like I should kiss her and check whether I'm feeling this is true or not? What kind of solution is this? I'm leaving this room; it's hard to breathe under one roof with Geet. I don't need her, so I'm happy without her. Why is she... ugh! My thoughts are killing me.

Geet is also silent, and finally, she breaks it.

"Payal, you've been thinking a lot, haven't you?"

"Yes, I think a lot about you! Ugh, what did I say? No, no, I mean, I just think."

"Calm down! You know what? You can think about me. I like it when people like, or, I think a better way to say it is, I like the way you think about me."

"Why? Am I so special?" I said, as if I didn't even know what she wanted to say.

"Yeah! You could say that. I can't really put things into words; it always feels complicated."

"Do you find me complicated?"

"It's not just you." She said it as if she could swim in my eyes. Her emotions are just different; I've never seen a person with such expressions before.

"What is it?"

She stays quiet, as if she's eating her words. I do think she's a psycho. she always eats her words, and I'm starting to believe she's a bit crazy. I used to just think it; now I'm starting to believe it.

Geet looks at me as if I'm assuming what she wants to say. How could I? Am I a genius? Yes, I am, but not a magician, unless she thinks I have the special power to read her mind. Damn! I can't deal with her.

Then she started telling something like this "Do you know 

"कागा कागा रे मोरी इतनी अरज तोसे
चुन चुन खाइयो मांस
कागा कागा रे मोरी इतनी अरज तोसे
चुन चुन खाइयो मांस
अरजिया रे खाइयों ना तू नैना मोरे
खाइयों ना तू नैना मोहे
पिया के मिलान की आस
खाइयों ना तू नैना मोरे
पिया के मिलान की आस"

"Come on? Sounds like something rubbish?" I chucked.

Geet started to explain to me, "I can't explain everything because it's hard to explain when people aren't interested. Payal, the only thing I like about these lines is that when people are in love, hope is the only thing they have. Until their last breath, they keep hoping, even when people die, love doesn't."

These lines keep reminding me of something I didn't realize before, as if I were foolishly thinking that kissing equated to love. But there's another side of love, one that's painful. I've seen and read in books that love is magical, and when we fall in love, everything seems magical. Yet, magic can also bring pain. I saw it in her eyes.

She left my room, and I found myself echoing her words. This meaningless slogan is just making me feel dumb. Why did she tell me that slogan? Should I Google it? No, I need to sleep.

After a two-hour sleep, I wake up and drink chai. I turn on music and start listening while writing stories. However, my mind keeps drifting back to Geet. Her name seems so intertwined with music. Sometimes her music makes me feel dumb, like I've never truly understood her the way she wants me to. She says I'm complicated, but what about her? She never expresses things in an easy way. Is everyone in this world complicated? Is complexity related to pain? Perhaps everyone is in pain, and that's why they have complex thoughts.

Chipsy came into my room, loudly singing a song. I shouted at him to stop, but he didn't. I knew he enjoyed teasing me. Chipsy then exclaimed, "You know, I'm going to see Jaipur. We're Rajasthani too, and it's a beautiful city. Why are we just sitting here in our room? Let's go and explore!"

"Chipsy, no, I don't want to," I replied.

"Liar! You spent the whole day with Geet, didn't you? Just get ready; I'm starting the car. And you know it's Dad's idea because he still thinks you should give Ranjeet a second chance, even though he knows you're into girls."

"Stupid! Stop teasing me. I'm not into girls. I'm into writing, I think," I retorted.

"Are you an alien? You're not into anyone, as if you were born just to do nothing," Chipsy quipped.

"Perfect.I love that quote. 'I was born to do nothing,'" I responded sarcastically.

Dad needs therapy. He thinks I should give Ranjeet a second chance? First, he wants a fight like a WWE match, Ranjeet versus Geet. Now he has this different idea that just seems yucky.

"Let's go," I said in frustration.

My brother and I were seated in the car, with Ranjeet sitting beside me and Geet on the other side. I found myself sandwiched between these troublemakers. They both seemed clingy, which irritated me. Then I noticed Geet shifting, and now Ranjeet was the only one touching my shoulder. I didn't want to deal with this, so I moved to Geet's side, which at least made me feel less uncomfortable. Her serious expression made me feel sick; she wasn't even talking to me. What kind of drugs had she taken? She looked so aloof, her body so cold in the hot weather. Ranjeet was smiling as if he was enjoying making me uncomfortable. I wanted to hit his face. Someone needed to tell him to stop smiling; it made me as angry as a bull, especially since he happened to be wearing a red shirt unlike Geet, who always wore blue.

Chipsy asked, "Do you know the oldest name of Jaipur?"

"Pink city," I replied.

"Dumbo, not again. It's Amber," Chipsy corrected.

Ranjeet added, "Yeah, Amber. Jaipur state was known as Amber between the fourteenth century and 1727."

Impressed, Chipsy said, "Ranjeet, that's impressive! What does 'amber' mean?"

"I don't know that," Ranjeet admitted.

"Amber is used in jewelry and has been used as a healing agent in folk medicine," Chipsy explained.

I knew Jaipur was beautiful. I do not like traveling, I had never seen Jaipur, but its beautiful buildings a royal vibe that made me happy. I wanted to see the buildings up close, so I moved a little closer to her. our shoulder touched. However, she folded her arms, and her face grew even more serious, as if she were protecting for an attack. It seemed uncomfortable, so I returned to my seat and moved back. Then she opened her hand and placed it beside her seat. Unconsciously, I placed my hand on hers, but she quickly pulled her hand away. I realized that her body language was awkward, even though she acted like the calmest person. I felt silly; holding hands was something friends did. Why was she so uncomfortable? Should I try to make her feel more at chill by holding her hand?

She kept her hand on her thigh, and I wanted to do the same, pretending that I was just reaching to see the buildings. But it was just my bad luck; she moved her hand. In my embarrassment, I accidentally placed my hand on her thigh. I wanted to move it away, but I was frozen, unsure of what I was doing. I didn't dare to look at her face; I already felt like a criminal. Why was I so clumsy? I didn't even notice her expression. Eventually, she moved her hand back, and I realized it was again on her thigh. Slowly, I moved my hand and reached for hers. Why was I engaging in such nonsense? I could easily ask for it.?

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