Chapter 8

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I woke up, Geet was working on her laptop in my room.

I got up, yawned, and said, "Good morning."

"Have you checked the time?"

"When I checked the time, 3 pm I realized I couldn't sleep last night. You know Ranjeet isn't that bad."

Geet was wearing glasses, she plugged charger in her laptop and said, "You do not need me? Everything has changed after last night."

"What are you saying? have you gone mad? I'm exhausted, my body is in pain," I said while stretching. 

Geet was looking at me, then she received a call. She answered it and said, "Yes, babe, I'm still busy with work. Yes, I love you too, Umaa!!"

I looked at Geet and said, "Umma! What kind of love is that? There's no need to show all this in front of me, I know I'm single. Don't make feel like this"

Geet looked at me judgmentally and left. I had just come out after freshening up. I hugged my mom and My mom whispered in my ear, "Geet is so adorable, she sleeps with her head on my feet, like a little child."

I looked at Geet; she was drinking juice. Just then, Dad arrived.

"Let's play cricket today, Geet, get ready."

I smiled broadly and said, "Wow, all the best!"

Geet grabbed my hand and took me aside. "I don't know how to play cricket," she said.

"Everyone knows cricket, Dhoni, Virat..."

Interrupting me, Geet said, "Shut up! You talk so much. I'm a fan of FIFA; I don't know this."

"Just catch the ball and don't get out."

"How do you not get out?" Geet asked with a lot of difficulty.


Dad called out loudly, "Payal, tell me which team you're going to play for; I'll join Ranjeet's team."

Dad plays cricket very well, but Geet has no idea. What should I do now?

Just then, Geet fainted. My mom rushed over and supported her. I ran over, splashed water on her face, but she didn't regain consciousness. Geet was laid down in the nearby room.

We called the doctor, and after checking, the doctor said, "Maybe she ate something expired food, she might have had something from outside last night. Dizziness could be due to a bit of acidity, and the heat is also intense."

Dad said angrily, "How will she take care of yourself? She can't even stay in the sun for a second."

My mom's expression changed; I was thinking about pani-puri. After everyone left, my mom went to Geet. Geet regained consciousness.

"Maybe the coke was expired, forgive me, beta."

"No, aunty! I wasn't paying attention."

Just then, I came in and overheard my mom and Geet talking.

"But you enjoyed, right? Today, you're also my friend."

"Friend? No aunty, I'm happy just being with you."

"How about Mom? Silly girl! Okay, forget about it. Whether you stay with Payal or not, you'll come to meet me, right? I make very good pickles; you must come to Ramnagar to taste them."

"Okay ... aunty, I mean..." (paused for a few seconds) "...Mom."

"Come, relax."

As my mom left, I was about to go to meet Geet when she suddenly got up and started dancing. She was very happy. Then I heard Ranjeet's voice, and I quickly went inside the room and closed the door. Geet saw me. She sat down quietly, as if she had been caught lying. I smiled, thinking how much of a drama queen she is.

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