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My family received me with their hearts bursting woth happiness. It seems my brothers wanted to surprise me and has apparently started learning cooking and chariot making, just as I learned everything I could in what seemed like ages ago. My brothers immediately attached themselves to me like limpets and started pestering me to teach them to be like their big brother. If one listened to my brothers, they will think I hung the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky. Their belief in their eldest has only grown after the trial and has become exponentially more in my absence. I agreed to teach my brothers whatever they need after enjoying their antics for some time.

I discussed everything about my education and gifts from the Gods and my godly father with my parents. My mother said that she always knew I was special as I was a gift from Lord Surya to them, but that she never expected that the God would give them his own son. After speaking about my Godly father, the topic inadvertently shifted to my mother and I just said that she was a princess and had to leave me and that whoever she is doesn't matter, I will always be a Radheya. My mother hugged me and wept with tears of happiness.

After spending few days with my family, I reported to the army and gave a demonstation of my knowledge of celestial weaponry and was considered a Maharathi in skill and was promoted as the second in command to the great mahaamahim. This was about six months ago.

A lot has happened in the next six months. I became busy with adjusting to my new duties, started training my brothers, done renovations to our home and my father's shop with my increased salary. Our kingdom has procured the services of renowned warrior brahmana Bhardwajaputra Dronacharya, who along with his wife and son came and established his Ashram in the mighty Kuru empire with the recommendation of his brother in law Rajguru Kripacharya and the approval of Mahaamahim.

As stated previously, we also received the news of deaths of King Pandu and Queen Madri. Mahamantri Vidhur, Mahaamahim Bheesh and Queen Mothers Satyavati, Ambika and Ambalika went to the forests to bring Pandavas the home. There, on the suggestion of Sage Vedavyas, Queen mothers decided stay in the monastery while the Pandavas along with Queen Kunti were brought to the palace.

The arrival of Pandavas brought with it another set of problems. The matter of succession became an issue, starting the bitter rivalry between the Kauravas, sons of King Dhritarashtra, who believed their eldest Prince Suyodhana becomes the crown prince and the Pandavas, sons of King Pandu, who believe the crown to their jyeshtha as the first born of this generation of Kuru clan.

Many great minds started fanning the flames of this rivalry to make them an inferno, be it for their own ends to fulfill their vengeance or because of their negligence while they believed in their own strength and righteousness.

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