Chapter Seventeen

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Authors Note: Hello readers. Let's leave Fiona for a minute and go back to Manna and Karina's story. This chapter will also introduce a new character (he happens to be one of my favorites so I hope you like him! ;-))


The shed was hot as it always was, even well into the autumn season. The smell of fire, metal and sweat, was strong. Caleb Blackwell stood bent over an anvil in his leather smock, his shirt clinging to his arms, drenched with perspiration. He didn't look up when she came in. The hammer kept swinging, the cling cling sound of metal on metal filling the small space.

"Just a minute" he said thrusting the horseshoe he was working back into the fire. "Damn horse threw another goddamn shoe. Third this month." He pulled the shoe out and gave it a few more bangs on the anvil before thrusting it into the waiting bucket of water. The sound of sizzling metal issued forth along with a cloud of white steam. Caleb wiped his brow with his upper arm and held the shoe in front of his face to examine it. "Good enough," he said with a grunt, setting the shoe down. "Now what can I do for you Manna?" he said, before turning around and wiping his hands on his smock.

She smiled. "How did you know it was me?" she asked, amused.

He shrugged. "Everyone else comes in here with a hell of a lot more complaining,"

"It's good to see you Caleb."

He grinned, his leathery old skin crinkling along the edges of his eyes and mouth. "Good to see you too. Been awhile since you last visited. You don't do it nearly often enough."

Manna looked at him uncomfortably, "Caleb," she began, but he cut her off before she had a chance to continue.

"Now what can a poor old blacksmith do for the all powerful Nita?" he asked

"Please," she said with a snort. "Besides, it's not your blacksmithing skills I seek." He raised a questioning eyebrow.

"What else could you possibly need from me?"

"I have a student for you."

"A student?" Manna watched him roll his eyes as he turned around again, busying himself with his tools.

"I saw that face Caleb."

"And you know what it means."

"I'm not speaking of an apprentice."

"I know what you're 'speaking of.' I have enough students Manna. With King Fredrick's restrictions on guns and black powder, it seems everyone and their cousin wants their sons trained to fight with a sword."

"Are you at least curious who it is?"

"Not particularly." The tools clattered as he put them in their various notches on the wall and brushed the leftover metal into the scrap bin.

Manna put a hand on her hip in indignation. "Caleb, at least grant me the respect of looking at me while I am speaking to you."

He sighed turning back to her.

"Alright fine," he said, face impassive, "Who's the student?"

"You know my charge Karina?"

He looked down for a moment, hand to his temple. "Fuckin' hell," he muttered.

Manna's lips pursed together. "Caleb Blackwell, you will speak to me with a civil tongue."

A wry smile spread across his face as he met her gaze again. "Manna when have you ever known me to have a 'civil tongue'?"

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