Chapter Sixty-Nine

978 148 26


The horse was fast. It seemed like hardly any time had past at all when Karina began to see the outline of Gregorn in the distance. She was surprised however when Simar guided the horse along the outskirts of the main town.

"Where are we going?" Karina asked hesitantly, though she feared the priestess's answer. She knew well enough what lay just beyond the town's center.

"We are to meet the Council Leader at the Meetinghouse directly," Simar answered. "I told him I would attempt to return there by midday once your whereabouts had been determined. He will be waiting."

Karina felt a cold dread spread through her entire body. Would they arrest her? She was charged with treason after all. In spite of Simar's assurances that she would speak in her defense, Karina knew the stories of the great book well enough to know how angry the Council must be. The idea of facing their leader at the Meetinghouse was terrifying. She knew Avery Trenton was a powerful man and she had always been somewhat frightened of him, but now...

What if he would not hear her defense? What if he sentenced her to burn as her dream had foretold. The heat of that fire had been so real in her mind. She could almost feel it singeing her skin still. Karina managed to keep these fears to herself as the Meetinghouse appeared in front of them, but her body remained tense, stomach twisting into knots.

As Simar pulled up her horse and dismounted, three men appeared at the door of the building. When they saw the High Priestess, all bowed their heads and Simar responded in kind. Karina recognized all  as members of the Elder Council from neighboring Senmin villages, though she knew none of them well. She wondered how many of the General Assembly had come to pass judgment upon her and her heart began to race.

 As she watch the men walk towards her, Karina did not dare leave the safety of the horse, her hands gripping the saddle and reigns tightly to secure her seat. These men wanted her to die. The High Priestess had said as much. The Council believed her to be guilty of great crimes. Her shoulders caved in on themselves as she shrunk down, wishing she could disappear.

"Welcome back."

Karina's heart beat even faster as she recognized the powerful deep voice and the Council Leader emerged from the hall walking briskly towards the High Priestess.

"Priestess Temdin," he said with a nod, "we have been waiting anxiously for your return." His eyes turned towards the horse on which Karina was perched, and as his eyes met hers, the man's whole face seemed to tighten, mouth puckering as if he had just sampled a particularly sour fruit.

"I see you have accomplished your task," he said to Simar. Avery pointed his arm towards the horse. "Seize the traitor!" he commanded. Karina cried out in fear as the councilmen quickly surrounded her, grabbing hold of her arms.

"Hold!" The priestess's booming voice cut through her protests and Karina felt the men's grip slacken almost immediately.

"You will treat the girl with care," Simar said. "Help her down from the horse, she is unwell. Take her to my lodgings and see that she is allowed to rest."

The men cast uncertain glances at the Council Leader no doubt uncertain whose command to follow, but Simar merely gave a short mirthless laugh.

"Oh come now, gentlemen," she said. "Are you frightened of a mere girl? Karina Amoral has come here of her own volition to contest the charges against her and is more than willing to cooperate with the Council. I swear to you she has no intentions of running. Isn't that right Karina?"

Karina managed to weakly nod her head in agreement, though in truth she wanted nothing more than to take the horse's reign and ride as far away as she could. She watched the Council Leader as he stared intently at Simar. After a moment, he grudgingly nodded his head.

"Do as the priestess say," he commanded the councilmen. "But see to it that the girl is closely watched. "

One of the men offered Karina his hand and she tentatively accepted it, allowing him to help her from her horse. Still, once her feet were on the ground she felt him regain a grip on her arm. 

"I will not see the child manhandled," Simar said, glaring at the man by Karina's side. "Keep guard if you wish, but mind that she is not harmed in any way, nor bound, nor threatened."

"Forgive me priestess Temdin," Avery interjected, a slight frown on his lips, "I am willing to hold the girl under house arrest in return for her cooperation, but nonetheless, she is our prisoner."

"I have given her a grant of temporary Initiate protection pending official trial," Simar replied. "While I recognize that until you too have accepted her innocence she is indeed your prisoner, as representative of the Initiate, I assert that we have found Karina Amoral innocent of all crimes. Know that and any damage to her person while in the Council's custody will be a direct affront to the holy women of Sithrah and myself. Is that clear?"

The men looked distinctly uncomfortable with her words, but both nodded their heads to assure her of their understanding. Karina could see the anger flair in Avery Trenton's eyes as he glared at the High Priestess, but Simar seemed to ignore his expression entirely as she turned to face him.

"Avery Trenton," she said. "I believe we should speak privately. Your men can tend to the girl. Won't you join me inside?"

Karina watched as Simar gestured towards the empty Meetinghouse. The Council Leader looked towards the building before casting another furious glare at the Priestess, but it was too late. Simar had already turned from him, walking calmly into the Meetinghouse without waiting for a response. She clearly expected him to follow.

"Make certain the accused cannot escape," he said to the men, once more asserting his authority over them. He turned his eyes to Karina.

"The High Priestess has stated that you wish to stand before our Council and face the charges against you with honor," he said. "I am willing to accept that claim on her word, but know this girl. If you make an attempt to flee now, you will forfeit any chance of mercy we might have had for you or your teacher. There is nowhere you might hide from our judgment."

Karina stared back at him, trying her best to maintain his gaze. The Council Leader's cold tone and acrid stare sent shivers of fear dancing along her skin. She could see he had no intention of letting her go, that in his mind, she was already guilty, already condemned. But Karina knew too that his threat was not an idle one. He was right. Even if she managed to escape, there was nowhere to run. And if she did not obey her captors she and Manna would suffer. She had to trust the High Priestess to help them.

"I will not run," Karina answered, but the man seemed to barely acknowledge her words as he turned away and walked briskly towards the Meetinghouse following after the High Priestess.

Sorry for the short chapter. Its just the way the book breaks up. I normally combine ones that are this short, but the next one is on the longer side. It will be posted wed. Anyhoo...Thoughts on the chapter? Avery clearly doesn't seem to be in a super forgiving mood. Interesting though that the councilmen seemed to respond to Simar's command yes? Let's see how much sway she can have over the Council Leader...

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