Chapter Thirty-Nine

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So...When last we left our characters, Teren was readying to interrogate poor Seleb Hill and his friend Tara. Things don't look too good for his two prisoners. Teren has already said he believes that Seleb is the key to obtain any sort of information from these two regarding the Vox Populi's current activity ( if they know anything at all which Teren worries they might not). If the start of this chapter feels abrupt I'm sorry for that. This string of chapters is really meant to be read in one go to follow properly, but hopefully it reads ok without going back. I can only get posted chapters up as fast as I can.



From the wall, Seleb watched the unfolding scene in disbelief, a queasy feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. The well dressed man to be Commissioner Mather, his employer. He had only ever seen the man in passing, and had never had cause to interact with him directly, but Seleb knew Mather's reputation. Watching him examine Tara, his eyes as cold and sharp as the glittering metal instruments of torture the executioner had laid out, it seemed the prison commissioner's reputation was well deserved. He was terrifying.

"I have been informed that you and your friend have been lurking about on my lands." Mather said, addressing Tara. "Why?"

Seleb could feel the power in his voice and felt himself shiver as he stared, waiting anxiously to hear his friend's answer. She'd promised to get them out of this after all. But Tara did not respond to the prison commissioner's question. She stared at him impassively, saying nothing.

Lord Mather reached out and grabbed Tara's left arm, twisting it slightly to reveal something on the underside of her bare arm, but Seleb could not make it out. The guard had seen it earlier as well. What was it?

"Can you tell me how you came by this mark?" Mather asked.

Again Tara answered with stony silence.

"I'm not certain you realize what you have gotten yourself into young lady. Do you know who I am?"

Seleb watched as Tara's mouth pressed together, even tighter then before, until her lips nearly disappeared with the effort of holding her tongue.

Mather grabbed her chin in his hand. "Unless you are deaf and dumb, you will answer me when I ask a question!"

Seleb cringed as Mather backhanded her across the face, but Tara recovered quickly, her gaze refocusing on Mather. Even in the dim light, Seleb could see the loathing in her eyes.

"I know who you are," she said softly. "You are the bastard who took everything my family had."

Seleb's eyes opened wide in surprise and fear at her words, his heartbeat quicken his whole body tense as he waited for Mather to strike her again. She was provoking him? Couldn't she see the danger they were in? But Seleb was even more surprised to see the man only smiled slightly in response to Tara's words.

"So it does speak," he said. "While you are in a talkative mood, perhaps you might tell me, what was the purpose of your mission?"

"Do you really think I would answer any of your questions?" Tara shot back.

Mather gave her a tired look. "If not this may be a very brief discussion indeed. I am really in no mood for games. It has been a trying evening already and I have no time for foolishness. His Majesty has ordered that all those associated with the Vox Populi are to receive no mercy."

The Vox Populi...Seleb heard the words but his mind wouldn't believe them. The Vox Populi were vicious evil traitors to the crown. Tara was just a girl. She was his friend.

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