Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Karina woke the next morning with a pounding headache. Every bone in her body ached. Her sleep had mercifully been dreamless and for that she was thankful. For a brief moment she had even had the vain hope that none of yesterday's evens had actually occurred. Then she saw Simar Temdin sitting by the fire.

As she stared, the woman turned towards her. "Karina, I am so glad to see your health improved. You have been asleep for some time and I was beginning to worry." Simar smiled and came to her, a wooden bowl in hand. "Here," she said, "Drink this. It will give you strength."

With no helpful spirit voice in her head, Karina decided to trust the priestess. She accepted to bowl and drank the dark brown liquid contained within. It tasted or licorice root and rose hip. Not entirely unpleasant.

"I hope you will forgive me," the priestess said. "I needed to test you. To test your power, but perhaps I pushed you too far."

Karina did not fully understand, but with the strange concoction in her stomach she was indeed beginning to feel better. "I'm fine," she said. "Really." As she propped herself up on her hands she found her head clouded with a short wave of dizziness, but soon the world spun back into focus. 

 "I am sorry for my conduct last evening," Karina said. "I let my emotions overtake me. I fear my teacher would have been ashamed." A wave of grief rushed over her as she spoke of her mentor. The woman she had trusted. The woman who had been lying to her all along.

Simar looked a bit astounded. "You are wrong," she said. "Manna would be very proud." She stared at Karina, a slight look of confusion on her face. " You don't even know do you?" she asked. "What I did I mean?"

"I suppose not, your Grace." Karina used all her strength to hoist herself from the bed, standing up and walking to the barrel of water by the stove. She ladled out a handful and splashed it on her face. The cold liquid felt good against her skin. As she wiped the water from her eyes she felt far more awake.


Karina turned at the sound of the Simar's voice uncomprehending.

"I suppose you are used to the power of strong women," the priestess said. "You spent your life among them after all. Nonetheless your tolerance for spiritual energy is truly impressive. Particularly considering your lack of formal training. Do you know how those of us with the strength of the Initiate can use our powers?"

Karina shook her head.

"We can surround ourselves with them. Those who lack our power can be physical effected and injured by such displays. This is why people tend to fear us. Their bodies cannot stay for long in close proximity to one who is endowed with the spirit of the fae, especially the very powerful. All Initiate inductees, have the ability to suppress this strength. But when we wish, it can be used as a weapon. 

"Only one with great spiritual force could have withstood the aura I expressed last night. Had you been an average person, it is unlikely you could have remained conscious for more than a few moments, yet you were able to maintain your senses completely. Any emotion you felt under such pressure would have been heightened. I intended it to be so. So contrary to what you might believe, your control last night was in fact quite admirable."

Karina tried to comprehend her words, but her head still felt cloudy. A throbbing pain pounded against her temples.

"I had to see for myself," the priestess continued. "To see whether Manna's beliefs about your destiny, her faith in your place as the child of the prophecy, were warranted. That you can still stand this morning is the final sign. I honor you Karina Amoral, Daughter of Nita Fiona Amoral, as the next rightful leader of the Senmin People, and I will defend your right to that position before of the Council of Elders."

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