Chapter Sixty-Six

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So Manna is in a tight spot, but so is Karina. The twist? This poor kid has NO IDEA what is going on. Remember that Caleb left her at the woods to fend for herself? Well that's where we will pick up with her. She knows that Fiona is dead but that's about it. Of course Manna just gave up Karina's whereabouts so...chances are she's not gonna stay hidden long. I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting Karina's return. Well, here it is! :-)



Karina had been in the cabin for two days. It wasn't much of a shelter. She and Manna only used the lodging in the summer and early fall for the harvest of herbs that lay in the deeper regions of the woods. Still, there were two pallets to serve as beds, a small table, and a fireplace. The bitter cold of the past month had finally released its hold, and with the warmer weather, the cozy shelter was not uncomfortable. But Karina was anxious. She had seen no one since Caleb had ordered her to the woods.

"Manna told me that you would know where to go," he had said, leaving her at the edge of the trees with nothing but a small bundle of food and water, along with her sword and bow for protection. "Stay there until one of us comes to collect you."

"But where is Manna?" she'd asked. "Should I not be with her?" Karina knew how devastated Manna had been at the news of the Nita's death. Surely she should remain by her teacher's side to help in whatever way she could.

"Manna cannot come and you will do as I say," Caleb answered sharply. "Is that clear?"

His tone had frightened her. Karina was accustom to taking orders from the sword master. She had long ago become used to his gruff demeanor harsh chastisement. But there was something else in his voice this time. Some level of fear within his frustration at her question. From a man of unwavering strength it seemed strange. Unsettling.

Manna too had been acting oddly. Ever since Frenwick had fallen Karina had seen it clearly. Her teacher was more on edge. Mistakes Karina made that were usually met with patience and understanding could now set her to a foul mood that would last all day. Questions that might have, in the past, been given a lighthearted rebuke for being too nosey or simply ignored suddenly inspired angry glares, unkind words, and once, a slap across the face. And Manna looked old. Her wrinkles were more pronounced, her hair more dull. Karina knew that something was wrong, but what that something was remained a mystery.

Was it the rebellion her teacher feared? There were more people in town speaking of the Vox Populi and the danger they presented. Many were convinced it was only a matter of time before they might attack other Senmin settlements as they had Frenwick, though all prayed Gregorn and Cainell would be spared. But hadn't Mr. Dickens claimed the King was responsible for the attack on the trading town? Did all of Manna's anxiety have anything to do with the Nita's sudden death? 

Karina felt lost in the sea of questions that floated in her head. She wished there was someone she could ask, but it seemed clear that whatever had inspired this change in her teachers couldn't be spoken of aloud.

It had taken Karina almost a full day to walk to the cabin. When she was with Manna, they usually rode there on her horse, Merryweather. But the animal remained at the cabin, and Caleb had not offered his Bay mare. 

She had assumed that someone would come to collect her soon. Caleb had only given her provisions for one day after all. But when no one had arrived by late afternoon the next day, she set about the woods, collecting wintergreen berries and wild onion, and trapping rabbits as Caleb had taught her, to prepare herself a decent meal. When darkness fell, she lit a fire in the cabin's small hearth and sat by it, eating her dinner alone, falling asleep early. That night, Karina had strange dreams.

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