Chapter Thirty- One

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Hey there readers. So we know Fiona is considering aligning with Alex, in spite of the fact all of the Senmin leadership (including Manna) seem to support continued attempts are reconciliation with the King...But Henry's poking around dangerous questions  regarding magik. Is it best to consider alternative options to the crown? Maybe we need to meet with Alexander Harrison again to find out....;-)

*Warning, this chapter starts with a bit of exposition. Tried to edit some out, but do think the info is necessary. Be very curious to see what you all think. Does it take too long to get to the scene? Trust me, its worth getting through the background. This meeting with Alex is interesting to say the least;-)



Since her last visit to Auresir Henry had sent no further correspondence. Fiona herself had attempted to reach out after the Council expressed concern at his continued silence. A curt note was returned in response. The message granted her passage to the Capital if she should choose to pass through the gates of Auresir, but expressed the King's regret that he would be unable to continue their meetings in the near future. The seal at the bottom of the letter was the Henry's own, but she knew that he had not penned the note himself. The hand was different, the writing bland, exact, and had none of the King's usual tone. Fiona was not entirely surprised.

It seemed in spite of this year's promising harvest the poverty throughout Erestia could not be easily erased and the people were unwilling willing to part with their earnings to refill the depleted royal coffers. The Crown's representatives were treated with hostility throughout the Empire. 

As for Henry? Some said he was on the verge of madness in the level of paranoia he now exhibited, seeing enemies at every turn, and rumors of his weakness did nothing to align the Empire behind his reign. The Vox Populi's continued successes, though still infrequent, were slowly but surely undermining Henry's rule, and it was said that people were beginning to form enclaves throughout the Empire that whispered a sworn allegiance to Alexander Harrison if they should be called upon to join the resistance.

Though Fiona understood the caution Manna had advised in considering allegiance with a group that furthered their aims through violence, their growing popularity could not be ignored. Fiona imagined that even the Council would soon be forced to see the inevitability that the Vox Populi would continue gaining strength, and recognize Henry's impotence in preventing them gaining the support of the populous. But if she were to even consider expressing her support of the rebellion to the Council outright, Fiona knew she would first need some proof that Alex's group could be more viable in providing the Senmin safety than Henry himself. Fiona new the time had come to seriously consider alternatives to resolution with the Crown.

The day was bright, sun shining overhead, though it did little to warm the crisp winter afternoon. With her letter from the King, Fiona had had no difficulty obtaining passage through the western gates and as she walked through the bustling market center of Auresir she felt almost giddy. She was finally using her position to take action. To act as a true leader, free from the burden of other's fears. In meeting with Alex again, she would have the chance to satisfy her desire to hear the rebel leader before passing judgment against him as the Council was ready to do in their seemingly blind allegiance to Henry.

He was already there when she arrived at their designated meeting spot and she noticed him immediately. A wide brim hat perched on his head, drawn down to hide his face, as he leaned casually against the wall of storefront, munching on an apple from the fruit seller across the way. But there was no question it was he. His swagger gave him away. Alex radiated his signature aura of cocky confidence. If the Guard ever learned to truly look at the man there would be nowhere he could hide, she thought to herself with a slight smirk.

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