Chapter Seventy-Seven

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The night was nearing its end. She had spent the earlier part of the evening alone under the night sky. Caleb had already left hours before. There were no tears. They had made their peace, along with promises to meet someday, in another world, in a better time. She could still taste his kiss on her lips, smell his sweet musky sent, and feel the rough stubble of his beard on her cheek. 

The moon above was a shining white orb, all milky white and pure, prominent within the diamond studded sky. It would be full in two days time. She was ready. Closing her eyes she said a final prayer to the God and when she opened them again to saw the dizzying array of stars above she felt only happiness that she would soon be among them.

"I'm coming, Fiona, " she whispered aloud. Her breath left a long trail of curling white mist that floated upward gently before disappearing into the essence of the air. She turned back to her home.

Once inside Manna went to the fire, lighting the herbs she had prepared, and soon the house was filled with the incense's sweet blend of sage and clover. Not bothering to create a protective circle, Manna closed her eyes and called out the summons in her head.

Serifina, honored spirit of the Fair Realm, your humble servant, Manna Sayers, calls upon you now. I beg you, heed the cry of your devoted supplicant in her hour of need.

It was mere seconds before she felt the sylph's presence as she appeared in the room, her body fully manifested. The tall thin figure was more lovely than Manna had imagined. Her limbs impossibly long and graceful, her white hair flowing freely down her shoulders, her fine pointed features and clear, nearly translucent skin. The creature's entire being both delicate and strong all at the same time, surrounded by a subtle aura of light.

"You have called and I have come," Serifina said. The faery's voice was beautiful. Musical somehow, like the sounding of thousands of tiny bells. It sent a shiver of pleasure up Manna's spine. She had never before heard one of the fae speak aloud.

"Forgive me, sprit," Manna said, bowing her head in deference to the faery's power. "I would not have called upon you if my need was not great."

"I have given you my name, I would not have done so if I did not mean for you to use it," Serifina replied. "I come here fully willing to fulfill my pledge to serve you in any way that I can."

Manna said nothing for a moment. The spirit's kindness was touching, but she was not certain how best to make her request.

"I believe I know why you have called me," the faery said, gently breaking the silence. "Your time is nearing an end."

"So you have heard." Manna was not entirely surprised.

The sylph nodded her head once. "I was there at the Assembly," Serifina answered. "I promised to watch over the girl and so I stayed with her, concealing my presence well. I wished to ensure that the priestess kept her word in protecting the child of power."

Manna nodded.

"I regret that the Council could not be made to see the error of their decision. You spoke honorably"

"I am grateful for your sympathy," Manna answered. "In the end, I am indeed guilty of exactly what they have charged me with. There is no good in regretting decisions of the past. What is done is done. We can only move forward."

"The girl was lucky to have you as her teacher."

Manna shook her head slightly. "But I have harmed her more than any other. If I regret anything it is that. I regret the years of lies. I regret that Karina never knew her mother. That I was never able to prepare her for the reality of her destiny."

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