The bet and the Dare; part 3

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"Hey Kal. Usual?" Caroline, the slight black girl behind the counter of Capitol Grounds coffee shop, called out as I walked in. I smiled tiredly.

"I ever get anything else?" She laughed.

"Nope. Guess that's why it's your usual." The morning routine was comforting after my night. April, my mother, came home drunk with one of her boy toys to find me curled up under my sheets, naked, cradled to Kevin's chest. She yelled at me about what a little slut I was. How if I got pregnant I wasn't going to be her problem. I retorted that she was being a bit hypocritical. After that I couldn't stand staying there. So I spent the night at Kevin's house. It made me so relieved that Kariana wasn't home. She was only seven years old. The last thing she needed was to be around April when she was drunk, angry, and one of her boys over.

"Hard night?" Caroline asked. I shrugged.

"Are they ever easy with April?" She gave me a small, comforting smile. "Hey, thanks for watching Kari." Caroline just shrugged. I grabbed her wrist. "I mean it. I really didn't want her there when April got home. Every time she goes out with that one..." I shrugged. "It's just bad."

"Hey. You know I'm happy to watch the kid any time." I smiled and started to pay her but a strong hand clamped over my wrist. I looked up to see Greyson. I'd almost forgotten about him. But it was impossible to forget about him when he was standing so close his chest barely brushed my back, six-foot-two, looking down on me with those sea green eyes of his, fringed in golden lashes. His wavy gold hair fell over his high forehead but didn't quite manage to repress the severity of his straight brows, strong Grecian features, and full mouth. A really great mouth. He smiled at me with perfect teeth.

"Allow me," he said smoothly. Coherent refusal was difficult with his toned arms wrapped loosely around me. Immediately I berated myself for the thought. He was means for a bet. That was all. Dating him was going to suck.

"I can get it, thanks," I told him with a bit of snap in my voice. His smile widened to a boyish grin. Devastatingly charming.

"I don't doubt you can. But I want to." I tossed my cash on the counter, grabbed my coffee from Caroline, and, after giving him a sound elbow in the gut, ducked from under Grey's possessive stance around me.

"Later, Caroline." I turned to Greyson, his face was still rather pained. "Thanks, but no thanks." I opened the door and turned. "I take care of myself." I turned away, only to be stopped by his voice,

"Kalshan?" He tucked his bottom lip under his top teeth and ran his eyes slowly over my body, lingering at my rather revealed chest, then back up to my eyes. "Don't think you get off that easy." I left the shop, flushing with embarrassment for the first time in four years.


So Kalshan was going to play hard-to-get, and play violently. I could go with that. For a price. I threw my money on the counter, gave the pretty barista a vague thanks, and took my latte. There was obviously a reason everyone had acted so sure I couldn't get their precious Kal, let alone keep her. It had been an obvious dare, and never one to turn down a challenge, of course I doubled it. But if Kalshan was going to be this difficult, I wasn't doing what they wanted without something for my efforts. A dare was about to be turned into a bet.

I walked out into the sunlight. The morning was cool and I allowed myself a moment to savor the refreshing chill of a Vermont morning. This time of month in Scottsdale it was already ninety degrees by eight in the morning. The crisp air mixed with the warmth of the sun was the perfect way to start a morning. I got in my new cerulean Z4 convertible and, as soon as the car was on, commanded,

"Call Caleb." A ring tone came over the speaker, then Caleb's voice,


"She's beyond difficult. Already. I offered to cover coffee and she practically tried to maim me!" I heard Caleb snort over the phone.

"What'd she do?" I pressed the gas pedal and my car started moving with a small squeal. Somehow, driving fast just seemed to help anger.

"Elbowed me in the stomach. Hard. My intestines may be fucking ruined." Caleb full out laughed. Laughed. I couldn't believe him. How the hell was this even remotely funny?

"I did forget to mention she's a black belt, didn't I?" I narrowed my eyes at the phone sitting in it's cradle and growled,

"Bastard." Caleb just laughed again. "I demand compensation for putting myself in harms way. This has ceased to be a dare, and just became a bet. You guys have some fucked up reason for wanting us together, well, you're getting it. For a price." Caleb's laughing died down and he cleared his throat.

"If you win and stay with her for six weeks, what do you want?" he asked in a guarded voice. I grinned to myself.

"You know that English class I'm already failing?" I asked cheerfully. Caleb groaned,


"Yes. I want to pass, and you're going to help me."

"Those answers, are, like almost impossible to get. I mean, my hacking skills are pretty damn impressive, but not that impressive."

"You get five g's if you win." I could almost hear him perk up.


"Good. Oh, and what does Kalshan have first hour?"

"Stagecraft." I hung up the phone without saying goodbye. It was an overrated custom anyway. As I pulled into the parking lot, a smile played on my lips. I was going to get Kal and pass English. It was going to be an interesting six weeks.

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